J-GLOBAL ID:201401050323956508
Update date: Aug. 20, 2024 Koyama Yukinobu
コヤマ ユキノブ | Koyama Yukinobu
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate professor
Research field (1):
Space and planetary science
Research keywords (4):
data-intensive science
, metadata
, scholarly information
, ionospheric conductivity
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 2017 - 2021 Experiment of geomagnetic field observation by magneto-impedance sensor and study for possibility of deployment of dense magnetometer network
- 2015 - 2019 An extensible, easy-to-use data framework in multi-disciplines
- 2014 - 2019 Temporal and spatial variations of ionospheric electric fields during geomagnetic storms and the relation to ionospheric disturbance dynamo
- 2013 - 2015 Upper atmospheric electromagnetic variation caused by lower atmospheric disturbances and its application
Papers (25): -
Koyama, Yukinobu, Hirota, Naoki, Masuda, Hanano, Tanavongchinda, Pipatpol, Sato, Hiro. Development of the hemispherical multi-touch panel for the rear-projection digital globe Dagik Earth. JAXA Research and Development Report: Journal of Space Science Informatics Japan: Volume 8. 2019. 8. 21-26
- Atsuki Shinbori, Yukinobu Koyama, Masahito Nosé, Tomoaki Hori, Yuichi Otsuka. Characteristics of Seasonal Variation and Solar Activity Dependence of the Geomagnetic Solar Quiet Daily Variation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 2017. 122. 10. 10-810
Ritschel Bernd, Borchert Friederike, Kneitschel Gregor, Neher Guenther, Schildbach Susanne, Iyemori Toshihiko, Koyama Yukinobu, Yatagai Akiyo, Hori Tomoaki, Hapgood Mike, et al. Experiments using Semantic Web technologies to connect IUGONET, ESPAS and GFZ ISDC data portals. EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE. 2016. 68
小山幸伸, 佐藤由佳, 中野慎也, 八木学, 田中良昌, 阿部修司, 能勢正仁, 蔵川圭, 池田大輔, 梅村宜生, et al. JavaFX-based iUgonet Data Analysis Software (JudasFX)のプロトタイプ開発. 宇宙科学情報解析論文誌. 2016. 5. 81-92
- Toshihiko Iyemori, Kunihito Nakanishi, Tadashi Aoyama, Yoshihiro Yokoyama, Yukinobu Koyama, Hermann Luehr. Confirmation of existence of the small-scale field-aligned currents in middle and low latitudes and an estimate of time scale of their temporal variation. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS. 2015. 42. 1. 22-28
more... MISC (55): -
Shinbori, A, Y. Koyama, M. Nose, T. Hori, Y. Otsuka. Long-term variation of ionospheric electric field estimated from the amplitude of geomagnetic solar quiet daily variation. 2015 ISEE workshop: International GEMSIS and ASINACTR-G2602 Workshop: Future Perspectives of Researches in Space Physics. 2016
新堀淳樹, 小山幸伸, 能勢正仁, 堀 智昭, 大塚雄一. 地磁気日変化振幅から推定される電離圏電場の長期変動について. 2016
新堀淳樹, 八木学, 田中良昌, 梅村宣生, 上野悟, 能勢正仁, 小山幸伸, 阿部修司, IUGONET, プロジェクトチーム. IUGONETプロジェクトの活動報告. 太陽研連シンポジウム「ひので10年目の成果とSolar-Cを柱とする太陽研究の新展開」. 2016
Atsuki Shinbori, Yukinobu Koyama, Masahito Nose, Tomoaki Hori, Tomoaki, Yuichi Otsuka. Long-term variation in the ionosphere and lower thermosphere as seen in the geomagnetic solar quiet daily variation. AGU Fall Meeting 2015. 2015
新堀淳樹, 小山幸伸, 田中良昌, 佐藤由佳, 門倉昭. 地磁気静穏日変化から推定される電離圏電場の長期変動. 第6回極域科学シンポジウム. 2015
more... Education (4): - 2000 - 2006 Nara Institute of Science and Technology Graduate School of Material Science
- 1998 - 2000 Nara Institute of Science and Technology Graduate School of Material Science
- 1996 - 1998 Kumamoto University Faculty of Engineering
- 1991 - 1996 Nara National College of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering
Professional career (1): Work history (8): - 2019/04 - 現在 Kindai University Technical College Department of Comprehensive Engineering Electrical and Electronic Systems Course Associate Professor
- 2016/04 - 2019/03 National Institute of Technology, Oita College Department of Informarion Engineering
- 2015/04 - 2016/03 新領域融合研究センター 特任研究員
- 2015/04 - 2016/03 National Institute of Informatics
- 2009/05 - 2013/03 Kyoto University
- 2007/04 - 2009/03 National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
- 2006/05 - 2007/03 京都大学大学院 エネルギー科学研究科 COE研究員
- 2006/03 - 2006/04 京都大学大学院 エネルギー科学研究科 エネルギー経済研究室
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