- 2021 - 2024 電子サイクロトロン加熱による超伝導トカマク起動法の開発
- 2018 - 2021 Non-inductive start-up of spherical tokamak by combination of electron beam injection and electron Bernstein heating
- 2018 - 2021 Intermittent plasma bursts across the last closed flux surface in a highly overdense spherical torus generated by electron Bernstein wave heating
- 2017 - 2020 Non inductive buildup of keV plasma using X-wave in fusion tokamak
- 2014 - 2017 Non-inductive formation of overdense spherical tokamak with EB wave in the first propagation band by Gaussian beams
- 2014 - 2017 Research on formation of closed flux surfaces in large tokamaks using ECH/ECCD
- 2012 - 2015 Electron Bernstein heating at an extremely overdense torus plasma
- 2011 - 2014 Improvement of ECH-driven plasma current startup by control of pitch angles of fast tail electrons
- 2011 - 2014 Study on the electrostatic potential in the formation of closed magnetic configuration
- 2008 - 2010 Study of non-inductive formation of magnetic surface by ECH for start-up of super conducting tokamaks
- 2007 - 2009 Study on magnetic reconnection driven by electromagnetic energy
- 2005 - 2006 Study on Magnetic Reconection Caused by Electromagnetic Energy
- 2002 - 2004 Start-Up and Formation of Spherical Tokamak Equilibria by Electron Bernstein Wave Current Drive
- 2001 - 2003 Controlled Experiment of Relaxation Processes of Many-Particle System Using Strongly Magnetized Nonneutral Plasma
- 2001 - 2002 Formation and Sustainment of Spherical Tokamak by Electron Cyclotron Heating
- 2000 - 2001 Observation of Three Dimensional Heat Flow in Disruptive Processes in Tokamak Plasma
- 1998 - 1999 On-axis ECCD by Strongly Focused mm Waves
- 1997 - 1998 Experiments on Echoes in Nonneutral Plasmas
- 1996 - 1997 Formation of Plasma potential by means of ECH at divertor and peripheral region of plasma
- 1996 - 1997 Experiments on the Stability and Equilibrium of Nonneutral Plasmas in Ultra High Magnetie Field
- 1995 - 1996 Experiments on Nonlinear Waves in Nonneutral Plasmas
- 1994 - 1995 Fundamental Experiment on Condensed Positrons
- 1993 - 1995 Experiments on Characteristics and Control of Positron Plasma
- 1994 - 1994 非中世プラズマ中のソリトン
- 1991 - 1993 Development of Positron Mass-Production Method
- 1991 - 1992 Experiment on Ion-Beam-Collider for D-^3He Fusion
- 1990 - 1990 RFによる高βpプラズマの生成と第2安定領域
- 1989 - 1989 双方向高速電子流による高βpプラズマの生成
- 1989 - 1989 マイクロ波透過法による高速電子群を含むプラズマの温度計測
- 1988 - 1989 Current Profile by Sub-mm Wave Polarimeter and Study of MHD Instabilities
- 1986 - 1987 Tokamak Current Drive by Injection of High Current Electron Beams
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