Research field (2):
Experimental psychology
, Social psychology
Research keywords (4):
, decision making
, regret
, culture
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
2023 - 2027 日本における新しい場所への移動と挑戦を促進する心理メカニズムの検討
2021 - 2025 ダイバーシティ社会における包摂性概念の精緻化とその機能の検討
2018 - 2022 関係継続の期待が行動理解に及ぼす影響:社会生態学的アプローチを用いた検討
2016 - 2019 Stereotype contagion in social networks
2015 - 2019 Empirical examination of the mechanism how residential mobility determines the level of egalitarianism
2016 - 2018 Future Design
2008 - 2010 後悔の社会的適応メカニズムの検討
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Papers (36):
Asuka Komiya, Ai Mizokawa, Takayuki Goto. 後悔の経験・予期・利用能力の発達. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON EMOTIONS. 2024. 31. 1. 1-11
Lily FitzGibbon, Asuka Komiya, Kou Murayama. The Lure of Counterfactual Curiosity: People Incur a Cost to Experience Regret. Psychological science. 2021. 32. 2. 241-255
Hiroki Ozono, Asuka Komiya, Kei Kuratomi, Aya Hatano, Greta Fastrich, Jasmine April Louise Raw, Anthony Haffey, Stefanie Meliss, Johnny King L Lau, Kou Murayama. Magic Curiosity Arousing Tricks (MagicCATs): A novel stimulus collection to induce epistemic emotions. Behavior research methods. 2021. 53. 1. 188-215
Yuchen Fang, Masato Nunoi, Asuka Komiya. Relationship Seekers Versus Relationship Selectors: Influence of Residential Mobility on How to Evaluate Others. Frontiers in psychology. 2021. 12. 769487-769487
Komiya Asuka, Okano Yuumi, Sakata Kiriko. Effects of regret on disaster-related behavior: The case of the 2018 Japan floods. Japanese Journal of Social Psychology. 2021. 37. 2. 65-75
小宮 あすか, 溝川 藍, 後藤 崇志. Development of Abilities of Experiencing, Anticipating, and Making Use of Regret and Social Adaptation in Childhood and Young Adulthood. 発達研究 : 発達科学研究教育センター紀要. 2017. 31. 45-54
小宮 あすか, 溝川 藍, 後藤 崇志. Abilities of Experiencing, Anticipating, and Making Use of Regret and Social Adaptation in Childhood. 発達研究 : 発達科学研究教育センター紀要. 2016. 30. 177-182