J-GLOBAL ID:201401055595263511
Update date: Oct. 09, 2024 Miura Masahito
ミウラ マサヒト | Miura Masahito
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Homepage URL (1): https://www.med.tohoku.ac.jp/laboratory/view/95 Research field (1):
Research keywords (2):
, 循環器内科、循環生理
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1): - 2022 - 2025 ミトコンドリアの変化が筋小胞体カルシウム・スパークと不整脈の発生に与える影響
Papers (76): -
Takashi Nakata, Tomohiko Shindo, Kenta Ito, Kumiko Eguchi, Yuto Monma, Sadamitsu Ichijo, Rie Ryoke, Wakako Satoh, Kazunori Kumasaka, Haruka Sato, et al. Beneficial Effects of Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Therapy on Right Ventricular Dysfunction in Animal Models. JACC: Basic to Translational Science. 2023. 8. 3. 283-297
Haruka Sato, Masami Nishiyama, Natsuki Morita, Wakako Satoh, Taiki Hasegawa, Yuka Someya, Tsuyoshi Okumura, Sana Koyama, Chiyohiko Shindoh, Masahito Miura. Mitochondrial connexin43 and mitochondrial KATP channels modulate triggered arrhythmias in mouse ventricular muscle. Pflügers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology. 2023. 475. 4. 477-488
Haruka Sato, Tsuyoshi Nagano, Wakako Satoh, Kazunori Kumasaka, Chiyohiko Shindoh, Masahito Miura. Roles of stretch-activated channels and NADPH oxidase 2 in the induction of twitch contraction by muscle stretching in rat ventricular muscle. Pflügers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology. 2022. 474. 3. 355-363
Miura M, Hasegawa T, Matsumoto A, Nishiyama M, Someya Y, Satoh W, Kumasaka K, Shindoh C, Sato H. Effect of transient elevation of glucose on contractile properties in non-diabetic rat cardiac muscle. Heart Vessels. 2021. 36. 4. 568-576
- Yuto Monma, Tomohiko Shindo, Kumiko Eguchi, Ryo Kurosawa, Yuta Kagaya, Yosuke Ikumi, Sadamitsu Ichijo, Takashi Nakata, Satoshi Miyata, Ayana Matsumoto, et al. Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound ameliorates cardiac diastolic dysfunction in mice-A possible novel therapy for HFpEF. Cardiovascular research. 2020. 117. 5. 1325-1338
more... MISC (135): - 三浦 昌人. 細胞内カルシウムと不整脈. 東北医学雑誌. 2017. 129. 2. 171-173
Miura Masahito, Hasegawa Taiki, Takahashi Yui, Matsumoto Ayana, Morita Natsuki, Sato Haruka. Paradoxical Muscle Stretch During Contraction Increases Regional ROS Generation and Arrhythmias in Rat Myocardium With Nonuniform Contraction. CIRCULATION. 2017. 136
半藤 徹也, 三浦 昌人, 進藤 千代彦. 不均一収縮心筋ラットにおいてCa2+過負荷環境ではブドウ糖濃度の上昇により不整脈が増加し筋原線維のCa2+感受性が低下する(Elevation of Glucose Increases Arrhythmias and Decreases Myofilament Ca2+ Sensitivity under Ca2+ Overload in Rat Myocardium with Nonuniform Contraction). 日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集. 2017. 81回. PJ-666
- Masahito Miura, Tetsuya Handoh, Taiki Hasegawa, Riho Ozawa, Chiyohiko Shindoh. Blockade of Connexin43 by Carbenoxolone Increases Arrhythmias under Modulation of Mitochondrial K-ATP Channels. CIRCULATION. 2016. 134
- Masahito Miura, Tetsuya Handoh, Taiki Hasegawa, Riho Ozawa, Chiyohiko Shindoh. Blockade of Connexin43 by Carbenoxolone Increases Arrhythmias under Modulation of Mitochondrial K-ATP Channels. CIRCULATION. 2016. 134
more... Books (1): - Cardiac mechano-electric coupling and arrhythmias
Lectures and oral presentations (242): -
Mitochondrial Ca2+ determines contractile properties in diabetic rat myocardium
Deficiency of Cx43 increases arrhythmia susceptibility due to increases in Ca2+ and ROS within the mitochondria
Right ventricular strain can assess right ventricular functional reserve in rats with pulmonary arterial hypertension
(心電図セミナー 2023)
(弘前大学大学院活性化講演会 2022)
more... Professional career (1): Association Membership(s) (5):
American Heart Association(1998/04-)
, 心臓病学会(2005/04-)
, 日本不整脈学会(2000/04-)
, 日本内科学会(1991/03-)
, 日本循環器学会(1987/03-)
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