Avila-Robinson A. Multi-level research landscapes and bibliometric maps: A visual analysis of knowledge integration at WPI-iCeMS. 3rd URA Workshop on Research Metrics and Bibliometric, Kyoto, Japan, Feb 26. 2015
Avila-Robinson A. Visualization of Knowledge Integration in a Japanese CuttingEdge Research Institution: A Multi-level Bibliometric Perspective. 2015 Proceedings of Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology: Technology Management for Emerging Technologies, PICMET '15, Portland, USA. 2015
Jolivet E, Avila-Robinson A, Nohara H, Sengoku S. Accounting for the knowledge dynamics process of a science-based innovation. XXVI International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM) Conference, Budapest, Hungary. 2015
Avila-Robinson A, Sengoku S. 'Research landscapes' as evidence-based tools for visually exploring changes in research and development. 2nd Kyoto University & National Taiwan University Symposium 2014, Kyoto, Japan. 2014