Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2009 - 2011 Study on Efficient Carbon Dioxide Sequestration by Microscopic Dispersion of Alkaline Earth Oxides
2008 - 2010 Separation and recovery of rare metals by using iron-and steelmaking processes
Papers (183):
Tatsuro Ariyama. Perspectives on the Promising Pathways to Zero Carbon Emissions in the Steel Industry toward 2050. ISIJ International. 2025. 65. 2. 165-184
Tatsuro Ariyama. Step-up of Ironmaking Process towards Global Warming Issues and Future Subjects. Bulletin of The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan. 2022. 27. 7. 475-481
Koichi Takahashi, Aya Yoshino, Taihei Nouchi, Junya Kano, Shingo Ishihara, Tatsuro Ariyama. Modeling of Coke Particle Breakage in Blast Furnace Considering Pore Structure by Discrete Element Method. ISIJ International. 2021. 61. 5. 1488-1497
Tatsuro Ariyama. Subjects and Future Prospects on the Ironmaking Process toward the Long-term Global Goal for Carbon Dioxide Mitigation. 2019. 24. 12. 764-771