Kazuto Ikeda. The Construction of a Research Graduate School of Foreign Studies and Five Southeast Asian Majors at Minoh, Osaka University: From the Perspective of Present and Future issues in Southeast Asian Studies and Educaiton. Ex Oriente. 2023. 27. 29-50
IKEDA Kazuto. Military Coup and Ten Years of Civilian Government in Myanmar: Revival of the Junta and Democratic Movement?. Bulletin of Asia-Pacific Studies. 2021. XXIII. 21-32
Kazuto IKEDA. Frontiers of Rohingya History Research. Islamic Trust Studies News Letter. 2024. 4. 30-31
Kazuto Ikeda. Book review on "Rohingya Crisis: The Violent Politics of Ethnicity and Religion in Myanmar. by Yoshihiro Nakanishi, Tokyo: Chuokoron-Shinsha, 2021. Souhteast Asia: History and Culture. 2022. 51. 128-133
The 1942 incident in northern Rahkine
(Islamization in Southeast Asia as reflected in literature, archival documents and oral stories 2023)
The Origin of Karen Ethnic Problem and Thakin Historiography in Myanmar
(International Workshop at York University, Toronto "Plural Pasts for Collective Futures in Burma/Myanmar: Histories of Belonging and Identities (Re)Imagined" 2023)
Konbaung Conqur on the Mrauk Dynasty and the emergence of Rakhine history
(Osaka University Forum of Area Studies (OUFAS) 2023)