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J-GLOBAL ID:201401075872038440   Update date: Nov. 19, 2024

To Taiko

トウ タイコ | To Taiko
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Genomics
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (4):
  • 2022 - 2025 エピゲノムパターン構築に不可欠な遺伝子と有害配列の識別メカニズムの解明
  • 2019 - 2024 Mechanisms underlying maintenance of genome integrity by DNA methylation
  • 2017 - 2021 Search for epigenetic modifications and regulators on the mechanism of the discrimination between genes and transposons
  • 2012 - 2015 Analysis of the role and regulation of gene body DNA methylation
Papers (31):
  • Nobutoshi Yamaguchi, Wang Yicong, Masato Abe, Yuka Kadoya, Takeru Saiki, Kanae Imai, Xuejing Wang, Taiko To, Soichi Inagaki, Takamasa Suzuki, et al. Arabidopsis SDG proteins mediate Polycomb removal and transcription-coupled H3K36 methylation for gene activation. 2024
  • Toru Kudo, Taiko Kim To, Jong-Myong Kim. Simple and universal function of acetic acid to overcome the drought crisis. Stress Biology. 2023. 3. 1
  • Yasuhiro Matsumura, Taiko Kim To, Takekazu Kunieda, Hiroki Kohno, Tetsuji Kakutani, Takeo Kubo. Mblk-1/E93, an ecdysone related-transcription factor, targets synaptic plasticity-related genes in the honey bee mushroom bodies. Scientific reports. 2022. 12. 1. 21367-21367
  • Crosstalk among pathways to generate DNA methylome. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 2022
  • Stacey A. Vincent, Jong-Myong Kim, Imma Pérez-Salamó, Taiko Kim To, Chieko Torii, Junko Ishida, Maho Tanaka, Takaho A. Endo, Prajwal Bhat, Paul F. Devlin, et al. Jasmonates and Histone deacetylase 6 activate Arabidopsis genome-wide histone acetylation and methylation during the early acute stress response. BMC Biology. 2022. 20. 1
MISC (7):
  • To Taiko, Yoshiaki Tarutani, Kae Kato, Soichi Inagaki, Tasuku Ito, Mayumi Takahashi, Atsushi Toyoda, Asao Fujiyama, Colot Vincent, Tetsuji Kakutani. Transgenerational establishment of CG and non-CG DNA methylation patterns in Arabidopsis. GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS. 2016. 91. 6. 348-348
  • Tasuku Ito, Yoshiaki Tarutani, Taiko Kim To, Kazuya Takashima, Hidetoshi Saze, Atsushi Toyoda, Asao Fujiyama, Tetsuji Kakutani. Genome-wide negative feedback system for transgenerational dynamics of DNA methylation in Arabidopsis. GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS. 2015. 90. 6. 373-373
  • Jong-Myong Kim, Taiko Kim To, Junko Ishida, Taeko Morosawa, Makiko Kawashima, Akihiro Matsui, Tetsuro Toyoda, Hiroshi Kimura, Kazuo Shinozaki, Motoaki Seki. Alterations of Lysine Modifications on the Histone H3 N-Tail under Drought Stress Conditions in Arabidopsis thaliana (vol 49, pg 1580, 2008). PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY. 2009. 50. 10. 1856-1856
  • Joruz-Myong Kim, Taiko To, Junko Ishida, Taeko Morosawa, Masakazu Satou, Makiko Kawashima, Kazuo Shinozaki, Motoaki Seki. Transcriptional regulation by hitsone modifications under drought stress in Arabidopsis. PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY. 2007. 48. S34-S34
  • JM Kim, T Kuromori, T To, T Hirayama, M Seki, K Shinozaki. Functional analysis of, Arabidopsis two ORC1 genes, AtORC1a and AtORC1b. PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY. 2006. 47. S186-S186
Lectures and oral presentations  (30):
  • シロイヌナズナの乾燥耐性機構解明と継世代的エピゲ ノム動態の遺伝解析
    (よんもくフォーラム 2024)
  • 植物のエピゲノムパターン構築機構の解明と医療応用の可能性
    (第2回 東京工業大学生命理工学院・東京医科歯科大学難治疾患研究所 教員交流シンポジウム 2024)
  • Epigenetic mechanisms in plants
    (ASEAN-Japan International Research Symposium for Life Science and Technology 2023)
  • 植物のエピゲノム修飾間クロストークがエピゲノムパターン形成を駆動する
    (第95回遺伝学会 シンポジウム2「非ゲノム情報複製機構による生命現象の制御」 2023)
  • シロイヌナズナはトランスポゾンと遺伝子をどのように識別するのか
    (第6回転移因子研究会 2023)
Work history (1):
  • 2023/04 - 現在 Tokyo Institute of Technology School of Life Science and Technology
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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