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J-GLOBAL ID:201401094288467946   Update date: Aug. 01, 2024

Hirajima Takao

Hirajima Takao
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Solid earth science
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (28):
  • 2019 - 2023 酸化還元状態を考慮した冷たい沈み込み帯での吸水・脱水過程と流体移動経路の解明
  • 2016 - 2019 Reconstruction of garnet-clinopyroxene geothermometer
  • 2014 - 2017 Geofluid activities and partial melting accompanied by mass transfer in continent collision zones
  • 2013 - 2017 The role of deep fluid enhancing the exhumation of UHP rocks.
  • 2013 - 2015 地殻内における物質移動と熱源-副成分鉱物と微量元素からの洞察
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Papers (175):
  • Takuro Yoshioka, Kyuichi Kanagawa, Yoshikuni Hiroi, Takao Hirajima, Martin Svojtka, Tomokazu Hokada, Simon R. Wallis, Takayoshi Nagaya, Akira Miyake. Deformation-induced, retrograde transformation of kyanite to andalusite: An example of felsic granulite in the southern Bohemian Massif. Tectonophysics. 2024. 877. 230293-230293
  • Yu ITAMI, Daisuke NAKAMURA, Atsushi YASUMOTO, Takao HIRAJIMA, Martin SVOJTKA. Multiple origins of UHP eclogites in a garnet peridotite block (Nové Dvory, Czech Republic) and short duration of heating. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences. 2022. 117. 1. n/a-n/a
  • Kasymbekov, A, Takasu, A, Kabir, M.F, Endo, S, Bakirov, A, B, Sakiev, K, Orozbaev, R, Hirajima, T, Yoshida, K. Metamorphism of garnet amphibolite and pelitic schist from the Upper Unit of theMakbal Complex, Kyrgyz Northern Tian-Shan. Earth Science (Chikyu Kagaku). 2021. 75. 271-288
  • Kenta Yoshida, Sota Niki, Hikaru Sawada, Ryosuke Oyanagi, Takafumi Hirata, Kenji Asakura, Takao Hirajima. Discovery of the Early Jurassic high-temperature pre-Sanbagawa metamorphism recorded in titanite. Lithos. 2021. 106349-106349
  • Kosuke Naemura, Takao Hirajima, Martin Svojtka, Ichiko Shimizu, Tsuyosi Iizuka. Author Correction: Fossilized Melts in Mantle Wedge Peridotites (Scientific Reports, (2018), 8, 1, (10116), 10.1038/s41598-018-28264-6). Scientific Reports. 2020. 10. 1
MISC (56):
  • 苗村康輔, 西田裕志, 堀江百合子, 木下周祐, 平島崇男, 清水以知子. An application of Raman geothermometry to carbonaceous materials in metapelites of the Horokanai area in the Kamuikotan metamorphic terrane, central Hokkaido, Japan. 日本鉱物科学会年会講演要旨(Web). 2022. 2022
  • 吉田健太, 仁木創太, 沢田輝, 大柳良介, 平田岳史, 朝倉顕爾, 平島崇男. 2-Myr metamorphic history of the Sanbagawa terrane deduced from the multimineral petrochronology. 日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集(Web). 2022. 2022
  • Daniele Castelli, Gaston Godard, L. Gordon Medaris, Takao Hirajima. High- and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism from microscopic to orogenic scale Preface. LITHOS. 2015. 226. 1-3
  • 苗村康輔, 平島崇男, 河上哲生, 清水以知子. マントルウェッジ対流層由来の造山型かんらん岩に記録されたメルト組成復元. 日本鉱物科学会年会講演要旨集. 2015. 2015
  • NAKAMURA Daisuke, FUKUI Kosuke, NAEMURA Kosuke, HIRAJIMA Takao, SVOJTKA Martin. Spinel in garnet peridotite occurring in the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic,, and pressure-temperature path. 2012. 2012. 247-247
Books (7):
  • The Dabie Shan-Sulu orogen.
    Carswell, D.A. & Compagnoni, R. (eds) Ultrahigh pressure Metamorphism, European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy,,Vol. 5, 105-144. 2003
  • Ultra-high-pressure metamorphic rocks in western Alps
    Ultrahigh pressure metamorphism.,/,206-243 1995
  • Chapter 8: Ultra-high-pressure metamorphic rocks in western Alps.
    In "Ultrahigh pressure metamorphism" eds. by Coleman, R.G., and Wnag, X.,,206-243. 1995
  • Ultra high pressure metamorphism in the continental crust.
    In "Guide-book to the field excursion, B1, High pressure metamorphism in the Western Alps. ",/,87-105 1994
  • The coesite-bearing Brossasco-Isasca Unit, southern Dora-Maira Massif.
    Plinus(Italian supplement to the European Journal of Mineralogy),191-206 1993
Lectures and oral presentations  (28):
  • ローソン石青色片岩の白雲母K-Ar年代の評価: 神居古潭帯・幌加内地域と黒瀬川帯・箱石ユニットの例
    (日本鉱物科学会2023年会・大阪 2023)
  • チェコ共和国・ボヘミア地塊に産する輝石を含む 珪長質グラニュライトの変成温度圧力履歴
    (日本地質学会年会・京都 2023)
  • 神居古潭変成帯幌加内地域の変成分帯の再提案
    (日本地質学会年会・京都 2023)
  • 神居古潭変成帯・幌加内地域の泥質変成岩へのラマン炭質物温度計の適用
    (日本鉱物科学会2022年会・新潟 2022)
  • 神居古潭変成帯幌加内地域の変成分帯の再提案
    (日本鉱物科学会2022年会・新潟 2022)
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