J-GLOBAL ID:201501005080863029
Update date: Oct. 31, 2024 Daigaku Yasukazu
ダイガク ヤスカズ | Daigaku Yasukazu
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Project leader
Homepage URL (2): https://www.jfcr.or.jp/laboratory/department/genome_dynamics/www/index.html
https://www.jfcr.or.jp/english/laboratory/researcher/9530.html Research field (1):
Research keywords (2):
, 分子遺伝学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5): - 2021 - 2023 RNA転写のDNA複製へのトランスアクション
- 2020 - 2023 DNAポリメラーゼ動態から成る遺伝情報の安定性
- 2016 - 2020 Genome-wide analysis of cooperative action among DNA polymerases
- 2017 - 2019 Genome-wide identification of replicative DNA polymerase usage
- 2015 - 2016 DNAポリメラーゼ研究におけるゲノム科学的,分子科学的アプローチの融合
Papers (27): -
Lewis J. Bainbridge, Yasukazu Daigaku. Bulk synthesis and beyond: The roles of eukaryotic replicative DNA polymerases. DNA Repair. 2024. 141. 103740-103740
Yuki Sugiyama, Satoshi Okada, Yasukazu Daigaku, Emiko Kusumoto, Takashi Ito. Strategic targeting of Cas9 nickase induces large segmental duplications. Cell Genomics. 2024. 4. 8. 100610-100610
Lewis J. Bainbridge, Yasukazu Daigaku. Adaptive use of error-prone DNA polymerases provides flexibility in genome replication during tumorigenesis. Cancer Science. 2024
Takayuki Nojima, Chihiro Nakayama, Yasukazu Daigaku, Yuki Aoi, Qi Fang, Hiroshi Kimura, Ali Shilatifard, Michael Tellier. NELF coordinates Pol II transcription termination and DNA replication initiation. 2024
Yasuji Sawada, Yasukazu Daigaku, Kenji Toma. Onset model of mutually catalytic self-replicative systems formed by an assembly of polynucleotides. Physical Review E. 2023. 107. 5
more... MISC (10): -
大学保一. 分裂酵母における複製DNAポリメラーゼの機能分担のゲノム科学的解析. 若手研究者が語る21世紀の遺伝学. 2016. 12. P9-P9
Yasukazu Daigaku, Andrea Keszthelyi, Izumi Miyabe, Antony M. Carr. Identification of division of labour among replicative DNA polymerases at genome-wide level. GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS. 2015. 90. 6. 367-367
Izumi Miyabe, Kenichi Mizuno, Yasukazu Daigaku, Andrea Keszthelyi, Johanne M. Murray, Antony M. Carr. Mechanisms of replication-associated genome rearrangement. YEAST. 2015. 32. S30-S30
- Daigaku Y. Roadworks of DNA Damage Bypass during and after Replication. Genes and Enviroment. 2012. 34. 2. 77-88
Helle D. Ulrich, Yasukazu Daigaku. Timing and spacing of ubiquitin-dependent DNA damage bypass. FASEB JOURNAL. 2010. 24
more... Books (1): - Genome Instability. Methods in Molecular Biology
Humana Press, New York, NY 2018 ISBN:9781493973057
Lectures and oral presentations (33): -
Chromosome fragility and DNA polymerase usage
(8th Meeting of the Asian Forum for Chromosome & Chromatin Biology 2023)
The involvement of gene distribution and transcription in replication fork dynamics
Variation in usage of leading and lagging polymerases in the human genome and its relation to the transcriptional landscape
(CSHL meeting - Eukaryotic DNA Replication & Genome Maintenance 2023)
Global usage of replicative polymerases and its relation with transcription in human cells
(UK-Japan Genome Stability Symposium 2023)
The balance of flexibility and fragility in DNA polymerase usage and replication fork dynamics
more... Professional career (1): Work history (6): - 2022/11 - 現在 Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research Cancer Genome Dynamics Project, Cancer Institute Project leader
- 2018/10 - 2022/03 Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) PRESTO Researcher (Genome Programming)
- 2015/04 - 2022/03 Tohoku University Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Assistant Professor
- 2009/07 - 2015/03 University of Sussex, UK Antony Carr lab, Genome Damage and Stability Centre Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- 2011/07 - 2013/06 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Oversea Reseach Fellowship
- 2006/04 - 2009/06 Cancer Research UK London Reseach Insititute Helle Ulrich lab Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Show all
Committee career (2): - 2023/04 - 2025/03 日本遺伝学会 遺伝学普及・教育担当幹事
- 2019/04 - 2022/03 日本遺伝学会 評議員
Awards (5): - 2020/04 - Tohoku University Distinguished researcher
- 2018/07 - 日本遺伝学会奨励賞
- 2017/04/19 - 文部科学省 科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 若手科学者賞
- 2015/12/08 - 日本遺伝学会 日本遺伝学会第87回大会 Best Papers (BP) 賞
- 2015/10/21 - 第23回DNA複製・組換え・修復ワークショップ 第23回DNA複製・組換え・修復ワークショップ 若手優秀発表賞・口頭部門
Association Membership(s) (2):
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