Research field (2):
Applied mathematics and statistics
, Basic mathematics
Research keywords (1):
Graph Theory
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2017 - 現在 Existence of 5-chromatic locally planar triangulations on closed surfaces and the weak Grunbaum's conjecture
2021 - 2026 A study on graph colorings of triangulations and quadrangulations using the method of partial duality
2013 - 2015 グラフの閉曲面への埋め込みとその特徴付け
Papers (21):
Kenta Noguchi. Spanning bipartite quadrangulations of triangulations of the projective plane. SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. 2024. 38. 2. 1250-1268
Naoki Matsumoto, Kenta Noguchi, Takamasa Yashima. Cubic graphs having only k-cycles in each 2-factor. Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory. 2024. 44. 1. 281-296
Yukari Funakoshi/Kenta Noguchi/Ayaka Shimizu. Unknottability of spatial graphs by region crossing changes. OSAKA JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS. 2023. 60. 3. 671-682
Kengo Enami/Kenta Noguchi. Embeddings of a graph into a surface with different weak chromatic numbers. GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS. 2021. 37. 2. 435-444