Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2020 - 2024 冷戦期における時間的・空間的想像力および生活空間の変容をめぐる比較研究
2018 - 2020 大阪キャバレー100年史--盛り場と社交の歴史社会学
2015 - 2018 死刑の歴史社会学--刑罰史研究の新たな視座
2013 - 2015 身体的苦痛による社会統治--日本刑罰思想史における軍刑罰・植民地刑罰・死刑
Papers (9):
SAKURAI SATOSHI. For the History of Liberty of Movement and Universal Tourism. 2019. 2. 231-235
Sakurai Satoshi. “Period and Circumstance” under which Death Penalty was Ruled Constitutional: View on “Cruelty” in 1948. Japanese Journal of Sociological Criminology. 2017. 42. 42. 91-105
SAKURAI SATOSHI, ABE AKIRA. Debates on Corporal Punishiment in Contemporary Japan: A Sociological Investigation and Ethical Inquiry. Ars Vivendi. 2015. 8. 305-325
SAKURAI SATOSHI. History and Theory of Execution: A Critique of the Debate on the Retention or Abolition of the Death Penalty System in Japan. 2013
SAKURAI SATOSHI, UEMURA KANAME. History of the Reading Environment for Visually Disabled People : Focusing on E-books from 1985. 2011. 7. 355-364
Society for Sociology of Warfare
, The Japanese Society for Historical Studies
, Japanese Association of Sociological Criminology
, The Japan Social Society
, 障害学会