J-GLOBAL ID:201501013069593348
Update date: Feb. 01, 2024 Honda Mitsumasa
Honda Mitsumasa
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Primary/secondary education and curricula
Research keywords (3):
, 教師教育
, 技術教育
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): Papers (42): -
秋山, 政樹, 菅家, 久貴, 本多, 満正. 中学校技術科の製作実習支援AIシステムの開発とその教育効果-Development of an AI system to Support Production Training in Junior High School Technical Courses and Its Educational Effect. 愛知教育大学教職キャリアセンター紀要. 2023. 8. 95-100
秋山, 政樹, 本多, 満正. 画像認識AIの判別処理の仕掛けを学ぶ中学生向け教材と指導法の開発-Development of teaching materials and teaching methods for junior high school students to learn the mechanism of image recognition AI discrimination processing. 愛知教育大学教職キャリアセンター紀要. 2022. 7. 151-157
秋山政樹, 花田守, 菅家久貴, 本多満正. Development of programming classes for technology subject in junior high school to promote understanding of AI: Using distributed automatic conversation system as the teaching materials. 秋田大学教育文化学部教育実践研究紀要(Web). 2020. 42
木下崇, 本多満正. Development of Exerience-based Teaching Materials to Cultivate Understanding of Web Services Programming from the Chat Mechanism in Technology Subjects. 日本教育工学会論文誌. 2020. 43. Suppl
鎌田 敏之, 田端 将太郎, 本多 満正. Effect of Utilizing State Transition Diagram in Learning Computer Programs. 愛知教育大学研究報告. 芸術・保健体育・家政・技術科学・創作編. 2019. 68. 89-95
more... MISC (9): -
AKIYAMA Masaki, HANADA Mamoru, KANKE Hisataka, HONDA Mitsumasa. AI application programming development to promote understanding of machine learning in the classroom. 2021. 43. 161-172
AKIYAMA Masaki, HANADA Mamoru, KANKE Hisataka, HONDA Mitsumasa. Development of programming classes for technology subject in junior high school to promote understanding of AI : Using distributed automatic conversation system as the teaching materials. 2020. 42. 55-64
KAWAMATA Jun, MURAMATSU Hiroyuki, SAKAGUCHI Ken-ichi, SUZUKI Yoshiharu, WATANABE Hiroyasu, HONDA Mitsumasa. Information Technology Education Curriculum on Telecommunication Networks (2) : Practice on Telephone exchange and Telephone Network. 日本教育工学会大会講演論文集. 2003. 19. 1. 211-212
MURAMATSU Hiroyuki, SAKAGUCHI Ken-ichi, SUZUKI Yoshiharu, KAWAMATA Jun, WATANABE Hiroyasu, HONDA Mitsumasa. Information Technology Education Curriculum on TelecommunicationNetworks (1) : A View on Network Topology of Junior High School Students. 日本教育工学会大会講演論文集. 2003. 19. 1. 213-214
村松 浩幸, 坂口 謙一, 鈴木 善晴, 川俣 純, 渡辺 浩康, 本多 満正. ものづくりの視点で考える通信技術の学習 : アナログ通信、電話交換機網からコンピュータネットワークへの展開. 日本教育工学会大会講演論文集. 2002. 18. 517-518
more... Books (1): - 技術科教育
一藝社 2014 ISBN:9784863590885
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