J-GLOBAL ID:201501016587174498
Update date: Mar. 05, 2025
Abe Tetsuya
アベ テツヤ | Abe Tetsuya
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Research keywords (6):
annulus twist
, スライス結び目
, 低次元トポロジー
, カービー計算
, ラスムッセン不変量
, スライス・リボン予想
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 2016 - 2018 On the slice-ribbon conjecture
- 2014 - 2018 Research on low-dimensional manifold with handle diagram
- 2012 - 2017 Construction of 4-manifolds related to exceptional surgeries on 3-manifolds
- 2011 - 2012 On the Rasmussen (Beliakova-Wehrli) invariant for links
Papers (15):
Tetsuya Abe, Keiji Tagami. A generalization of the slice-ribbon conjecture for two-bridge knots and $t_n$-move. Tohoku Mathematical Journal. 2024. 76. 4
Tetsuya Abe, Motoo Tange. Ribbon disks with the same exterior. Communications in Analysis and Geometry. 2022. 30. 2. 257-270
Tetsuya Abe, Keiji Tagami. Knots with infinitely many non-characterizing slopes. Kodai Mathematical Journal. 2021. 44. 3
Tetsuya Abe, Keiji Tagami. Characterization of Positive Links and the s-invariant for Links. Canadian Journal of Mathematics. 2017. 69. 6. 1201-1218
Tetsuya Abe, Motoo Tange. A construction of slice knots via annulus twists. Michigan Mathematical Journal. 2016. 65. 3
MISC (4):
Abe Tetsuya. On annulus twists (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology). RIMS Kokyuroku. 2016. 2004. 108-114
Abe Tetsuya, Tagami Keiji. Addendum to "Fibered knots with the same 0-surgery and the slice-ribbon conjecture" (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology). RIMS Kokyuroku. 2015. 1960. 18-36
Abe Tetsuya, Tange Motoo. Omae's knot and $12_{a990}$ are ribbon (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology). RIMS Kokyuroku. 2012. 1812. 34-42
Abe Tetsuya. Lee's homology and Rasmussen invariant (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology). RIMS Kokyuroku. 2010. 1716. 107-118
Lectures and oral presentations (5):
Ribbon concordanceについて
(微分トポロジー'23 2023)
Ribbon concordance and the minimality of torus knots
Ribbon concordance and the minimality of tight fibered knots
(拡大KOOKセミナー2022 2022)
Ribbon concordance and the minimality of tight fibered knots
Ribbon concordance and the minimality of tight fibered knots
(The 13th KOOK-TAPU Joint Seminar on Knots and Related Topics 2022)
Work history (7):
Association Membership(s) (1):
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