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J-GLOBAL ID:201501026432228465   Update date: Feb. 03, 2025

Fujiwara Masashi

フジワラ マサシ | Fujiwara Masashi
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Specially appointed associate professor
Homepage URL  (1): https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/d/r/30229075.ja.html
Research field  (5): Polymer materials ,  Biomaterials ,  Biomedical engineering ,  Applied biofunctional and bioprocess engineering ,  Wood science
Research keywords  (30): 酢酸菌 ,  導電性 ,  バクテリアセルロース ,  リグニン ,  面状発熱体 ,  ヨウ素 ,  ドーピング剤 ,  高分解能NMR測定 ,  発熱体 ,  電荷移動錯体 ,  ドーピング ,  エタノール ,  グルコース代謝経路 ,  ラベル化セルロース ,  温度特性 ,  生産性 ,  セルロース ,  動的ヤング率 ,  再生医療 ,  代用皮膚 ,  連続抄紙機 ,  間葉系幹細胞 ,  菌体サポーター ,  上下リザーバー ,  無終端ベルト ,  連続抄紙機試作 ,  人工皮膚 ,  ロイシン合成遺伝子 ,  遺伝子 ,  回転円盤型バイオリアクター
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (13):
  • 2012 - 2014 Circadian rhythmic control of differentiation of human stem cells
  • 2006 - 2008 Development of noninvasive estimation of differentiation from stemcells
  • 2006 - 2006 環太平洋生物化学工学国際会議における医工・産官学連携シンポジウム開催に関する調査
  • 2003 - 2004 Analysis of Biosynthetic Pathways of Bacterial Cellulose for the Improvement of Cellulose Productivity
  • 2002 - 2004 High-and poly-functionation of biomass-derived carbon by composting with metal-Production of crystallized and mesoporous carbon
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Papers (38):
  • Eiichiro Kaneko, Haruto Tsujisaki, Masashi Fujiwara, Hidenori Ando, Yasushi Sato, Tatsuhiro Ishida, Hirofumi Tani, Kenji Tajima. Application of bacterial-derived long cellulose nanofiber to suspension culture of mammalian cells as a shear protectant. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2024. 135938-135938
  • Yuki Kugo, Takuya Isono, Masashi Fujiwara, Toshifumi Sato, Hirofumi Tani, Tomoki Erata, Kenji Tajima. Optimizing crystal transitions in low-temperature, low-concentration NaOH solutions to prepare cellulose I and II composite materials. Polymer Journal. 2024
  • Yuki Kugo, Satoshi Nomura, Takuya Isono, Shin-ichiro Sato, Masashi Fujiwara, Toshifumi Satoh, Hirofumi Tani, Tomoki Erata, Kenji Tajima. Elucidating the structural changes of cellulose molecules and dynamics of Na ions during the crystal transition from cellulose I to II in low temperature and low concentration NaOH solution. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2024. 332. 121907-121907
  • Yuki Kugo, Satoshi Nomura, Takuya Isono, Masashi Fujiwara, Toshifumi Satoh, Hirofumi Tani, Tomoki Erata, Kenji Tajima. Crystallinity improvements in cellulose II after multiple posttreatment cycles with a dilute NaOH solution. Polymer Journal. 2024
  • 金子 瑛一郎, 辻崎 晴人, 藤原 政司, 安藤 英紀, 石田 竜弘, 谷 博文, 田島 健次. ナノフィブリル化バクテリアセルロースを用いたCHO細胞の浮遊培養における細胞死の抑制と抗体生産性への影響. 日本生物工学会大会講演要旨集. 2023. 2023年. 187-187
MISC (78):
  • 古瀬吏玖, 金子瑛一郎, 藤原政司, 谷博文, 田島健次, 佐藤康史, 安藤英紀, 石田竜弘. Application of Anionic Nanofibrillated Bacterial Cellulose for Suspension Cell Culture. セルロース学会年次大会講演要旨集. 2024. 31st
  • 永井和生, 芹沢領, 濱西萌生, 荻野千秋, 高濱良, 藤原政司, 谷博文, 田島健次. Whole genome data acquisition and analysis of cellulose synthesis-related genes and proteins in Gluconacetobacter intermedius NEDO-01. セルロース学会年次大会講演要旨集. 2023. 30th
  • 金子瑛一郎, 辻崎晴人, 藤原政司, 谷博文, 田島健次, 安藤英紀, 石田竜弘. Suppression of mechanical stress in suspension culture of mammalian cell by nanofibrillated bacterial cellulose. セルロース学会年次大会講演要旨集. 2023. 30th
  • 久語佑希, 磯野拓也, 藤原政司, 佐藤敏文, 佐藤敏文, 谷博文, 惠良田知樹, 田島健次. Evaluation of Cellulose Structural changes and Na Ions Dynamics in the Crystal Transition to Cellulose II by Low-Temperature NaOH Treatment. セルロース学会年次大会講演要旨集. 2023. 30th
  • 田中楓子, 大山祥大, 石田晃彦, 真栄城正寿, 渡慶次学, 藤原政司, 田島健次, 谷博文. Improved Sensitivity of Bioluminescence Assay in a Paper-Based Analytical Device as a Platform. セルロース学会年次大会講演要旨集. 2023. 30th
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(工学) (北海道大学)
Work history (2):
  • 2023/08 - Hokkaido University Institute for Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery (WPI-ICReDD) Specially appointed associate professor
  • 2013 - Hokkaido University
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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