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J-GLOBAL ID:201501039944614930   Update date: Apr. 22, 2020

Nakano Motoyoshi

ナカノ モトヨシ | Nakano Motoyoshi
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Assistant Professor
Homepage URL  (2): http://db.tohoku.ac.jp/whois/detail/38062ed927e87aa679dcc2f3c4a2c09f.htmlhttp://db.tohoku.ac.jp/whois/e_detail/38062ed927e87aa679dcc2f3c4a2c09f.html
Research keywords  (2): 分光 ,  クラスター、分光
Papers (11):
Lectures and oral presentations  (6):
  • Bilayer fullerenes (carbon nano-onions) studied by ion mobility mass spectrometry
  • イオン移動度質量分析法を用いた炭素ナノオニオンの研究
    (第11回分子科学討論会 2017)
  • Bilayer fullerene ions observed by ion mobility mass spectrometry
    (33rd Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics 2017)
  • イオン移動度質量分析法を用いた炭素ナノオニオンの観測
    (日本化学会第97春季年会(2017) 2017)
  • Ion Imaging Study of Photofragments from Mass-Selected Cluster Ions with Double Linear Reflectron Mass Spectrommeters
    (Advanced Particle Imaging Techniques: 1986-2016 and beyond 2016)
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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