J-GLOBAL ID:201501055364863483
Update date: May. 19, 2024 SASSA Takafumi
サツサ タカフミ | SASSA Takafumi
Homepage URL (1): https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/d/r/20312259.ja.html Research field (1):
Optical engineering and photonics
Research keywords (6):
, 光電子機能物性計測
, 屈折率制御
, 光波制御
, 有機光電子機能材料
, 物質科学工学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 2002 - 2003 有機フォトリフラクティブ材料のための新規提案素子構造の設計・作製
- 1999 - 2000 光導電性非線形材料におけるアンチ・ガイド構造の形成と光制御素子への応用
Papers (92): -
Naoto Tsutsumi, Takafumi Sassa, Tam Van Nguyen, Sho Tsujimura, Giang Ngoc Ha, Yusuke Mizuno, Boaz Jessie Jackin, Kenji Kinashi, Wataru Sakai. Photorefractivity and photocurrent dynamics of triphenylamine-based polymer composites. Scientific Reports. 2024. 14. 1
Naoto Tsutsumi, Yusuke Mizuno, Boaz Jessie Jackin, Kenji Kinashi, Takafumi Sassa, Ha Ngoc Giang, Wataru Sakai. Photoelectron Yield Spectroscopy and Transient Photocurrent Analysis for Triphenylamine-Based Photorefractive Polymer Composites. PHOTONICS. 2022. 9. 12
Tomandl, I., Kobayashi, T., Cannavó, A., Vacík, J., Ceccio, G., Sassa, T., Hnatowicz, V. Investigation of lithiation/delithiation processes in ceramic solid electrolyte by means of Neutron Depth Profiling. Journal of Power Sources. 2022. 542
Cannavó, A., Tomandl, I., Lavrentiev, V., Lavrentieva, I., Ceccio, G., Kormunda, M., Jagerová, A., Kobayashi, T., Sassa, T., Vacík, J. Delithiation dynamics of the LICGC electrolyte out of the voltage limits. Surfaces and Interfaces. 2022. 33
Ha Ngoc Giang, Takafumi Sassa, Takashi Fujihara, Sho Tsujimura, Kenji Kinashi, Wataru Sakai, Satoshi Wada, Naoto Tsutsumi. Triphenylamine-Based Plasticizer in Controlling Traps and Photorefractivity Enhancement. ACS APPLIED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS. 2021. 3. 5. 2170-2177
more... MISC (6): Professional career (1): Work history (4): - 2010/04 - 現在 理化学研究所 専任研究員
- 2001/10 - 2010/03 理化学研究所 研究員
- 2000/04 - 2001/09 ワシントン大学 リサーチアソシエート
- 1997/04 - 2000/03 理化学研究所 基礎化学特別研究員
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