J-GLOBAL ID:201501078684757690
Update date: Jan. 17, 2025 Futaki Masahiro
フタキ マサヒロ | Futaki Masahiro
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (1):
Papers (8): -
Masahiro Futaki, Hiroshige Kajiura. Homological mirror symmetry of $\mathbb{F}_1$ via Morse homotopy. Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. 2024. 26. 8. 2611-2637
Masahiro Futaki, Fumihiko Sanda. Equivariant homological mirror symmetry for C and CP^1. Journal of Geometry and Physics. 2023. 104929-104929
Masahiro Futaki, Hiroshige Kajiura. Homological mirror symmetry of CPn and their products via Morse homotopy. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2021. 62. 3. 032307-032307
Masahiro Futaki, Kazushi Ueda. Tropical Coamoeba and Torus-Equivariant Homological Mirror Symmetry for the Projective Space. COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS. 2014. 332. 1. 53-87
- Masahiro Futaki, Kazushi Ueda. Homological mirror symmetry for singularities of type D. Mathematische Zeitschrift. 2013. 273. 3-4. 633-652
more... Lectures and oral presentations (24): -
(Symplectic and complex geometry days in Osaka 2025)
Equivariant Homological Mirror Symmetry for CP^1
(Pacific Rim Complex and Symplectic Geometry Conference 2023 2023)
Equivariant Homological Mirror Symmetry for CP^1
(Workshop on Mirror symmetry and Related Topics, Kyoto 2022 2022)
Equivariant Homological Mirror Symmetry for CP^1
(IBS Symplectic Monday Seminar 2022)
Equivariant Homological Mirror Symmetry for CP^1
(Boston University-Keio University-Tsinghua Workshop 2022 2022)
more... Professional career (1): - Ph.D. (Mathematical Sciences) (Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
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