Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
2022 - 2025 プロテアソーム不全に応答する新たなプロテアソーム機能維持機構の解明
2019 - 2022 Elucidation of a novel homeostatic mechanism by enhanced O-GlcNAcylation under proteasome dysfunction
2016 - 2019 Analysis of the mechanism of the degradation of aggregation prone proteiins by a novel ubiquitin binding protein CG5445
2014 - 2019 Elucidation of redox regulatory mechanisms by transcription factor network
2012 - 2015 Analysis of the mechanism of the regulation of proteasome by novel modifier PI31
2011 - 2013 酸化ストレスにおけるプロテアソームの動態制御機構についての解析
2009 - 2010 酸化ストレスにおけるプロテアソームの動態制御機構についての解析
2009 - 2010 Exploration of novel proteasome modulating proteins by using Drosophila melanogaster
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Papers (38):
Yan Wang, Yi Wang, Tomohiro Iriki, Eiichi Hashimoto, Maki Inami, Sota Hashimoto, Ayako Watanabe, Hiroshi Takano, Ryo Motosugi, Shoshiro Hirayama, et al. The DYT6 dystonia causative protein THAP1 is responsible for proteasome activity via PSMB5 transcriptional regulation. Nature communications. 2025. 16. 1. 1600-1600
Yuki Mori, Yoshino Akizuki, Rikuto Honda, Miyu Takao, Ayaka Tsuchimoto, Sota Hashimoto, Hiroaki Iio, Masakazu Kato, Ai Kaiho-Soma, Yasushi Saeki, et al. Intrinsic signaling pathways modulate targeted protein degradation. Nature communications. 2024. 15. 1. 5379-5379
Jun Hamazaki, Shigeo Murata. Relationships between protein degradation, cellular senescence, and organismal aging. Journal of biochemistry. 2024. 175. 5. 473-480
Tomohiro Iriki, Hiroaki Iio, Shu Yasuda, Shun Masuta, Masakazu Kato, Hidetaka Kosako, Shoshiro Hirayama, Akinori Endo, Fumiaki Ohtake, Mako Kamiya, et al. Senescent cells form nuclear foci that contain the 26S proteasome. Cell reports. 2023. 112880-112880
Xiangyu Zhou, Kengo Watanabe, Kazuhiro Morishita, Jun Hamazaki, Shigeo Murata, Isao Naguro, Hidenori Ichijo. Proteasomal regulation of ASK family kinases dictates cell fate under hyperosmotic stress. 2023