Research keywords (5):
Diagnostic Radiology
, Artificial Intelligence
, radiation dose reduction
, contrast media
, CT
- 2018/12 - 第104回北米放射線学会 優秀賞
- 2018/03 - ヨーロッパ放射線学会2018 優秀賞
- 2017/11 - 広島大学 広島大学学長賞
- 2013/12 - 第99回北米放射線学会 優秀賞
- 2011/12 - Certificate of Merit, 97th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, Radiology Society of North America
- 2010 - Certificate of Merit, 96th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting
- 2007/12 - Certificate of Merit, 88th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting
- 2002/12 - Certificate of Merit,88th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting
- 1999/12 - Certificate of Merit,85th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting
- 1999/03 - Certificate of Appreciation, European Congress of Radiology (ECR99)
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Japanese Sciety of Medical Imaging
, Society of Japanese Interventional Radiology
, The Japanese Society of CT Screening
, Japanese Association for Cancer Detection and Diagnosis
, Japanase Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
, The Japan Lung Cancer Society
, European Society of Radiology
, Radiology Society of North America
, Japan Radiological Society