J-GLOBAL ID:201601001240270382
Update date: Apr. 06, 2024 Okuda Takafumi
オクダ タカフミ | Okuda Takafumi
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Electronic devices and equipment
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 2018 - 2020 炭化珪素デバイスの高速スイッチング特性に注目したMHz級高周波電力変換器
- 2016 - 2018 Device modeling of SiC bipolar junction transistors and fabrication of high-frequency power converters
Papers (44): -
Yusuke Kikuchi, Jun Matsusue, Fuma Yamada, Takafumi Okuda, Takashi Nakamura. Repetitive Partial Discharge Phenomena on Electrical Motor Coil Windings Under High-Repetition Nanosecond Pulsed Voltages Driven by SiC MOSFET Inverter. IEEE ACCESS. 2023. 11. 68826-68835
Hajime Takayama, Takafumi Okuda, Takashi Hikihara. Digital active gate drive of SiC MOSFETs for controlling switching behavior-Preparation toward universal digitization of power switching. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications. 2022. 50. 1. 183-196
T. Okuda, Y. Nishimura, K. Nishioka, S. Kishimoto, Y. Kikuchi, T. Nakamura. A 5-kV pulse generator with a 100-kV/ μ s slew rate based on series-connected 1700-V SiC MOSFETs for electrical insulation tests. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2021. 92. 11
Kazutaka Kanegae, Takafumi Okuda, Masahiro Horita, Jun Suda, Tsunenobu Kimoto. Depth profiles of electron traps generated during reactive ion etching in n-type 4H-SiC characterized by using isothermal capacitance transient spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Physics. 2021. 130. 10
Toko Mannari, Takafumi Okuda, Takashi Hikihara. Prediction of restriction in output current by reactant flow in redox flow battery for compensating load variations. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications. 2021. 49. 4. 1121-1132
more... MISC (3): -
T. Kimoto, H. Niwa, T. Okuda, E. Saito, Y. Zhao, S. Asada, J. Suda. Carrier lifetime and breakdown phenomena in SiC power device material. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2018. 51. 36
奥田 貴史, 中村 洋平, 新谷 道広, 佐藤 高史, 引原 隆士. 表面ポテンシャルモデルを用いたSiCパワーMOSFETの過渡解析および昇圧回路への応用. 電気学会産業応用部門大会(JIASC). 2016. LA-1. 1-10. XXX-XXX
奥田貴史, 三宅裕樹, 木本恒暢, 木本恒暢, 須田淳. 様々なバンド不連続を有するAlxGa1-xN/SiCヘテロ接合バイポーラトランジスタの電流輸送機構. 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. 2011. 111. 292(LQE2011 96-122). 39-42
Lectures and oral presentations (11): -
Investigations on Electrical Characteristics of 1-kV pnp SiC BJTs Compared with npn SiC BJT
(2017 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials 2017)
Impact of Annealing Temperature on Surface Passivation of SiC Epitaxial Layers with Deposited SiO2 Followed by POCl3 Annealing
(4th IEEE Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications 2016)
Analysis of Transient Behavior of SiC Power MOSFETs Based on Surface Potential Model and Its Application to Boost Converter
(4th IEEE Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications 2016)
Surface Passivation on p-Type 4H-SiC Epitaxial Layers by Deposited SiO2 with POCl3 Annealing
(International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2015)
Oxidation-Induced Majority and Minority Carrier Traps in n- and p-Type 4H-SiC
(International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2015)
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