J-GLOBAL ID:201601001808281058
Update date: Jan. 04, 2025 Eguchi Tetsuya
エグチ テツヤ | Eguchi Tetsuya
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Senior Researcher
Homepage URL (1): https://www.naro.affrc.go.jp/tarc/introduction/chart/0801/index.html Research field (1):
Plant nutrition, soil science
Research keywords (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1): - 2022 - 2025 安定Cs・Kの固液分配に基づく作物への放射性Cs移行リスクの評価・低減方法の開発
Papers (25): -
Fujimura Shigeto, Eguchi Testuya, Kurokawa Kohei, Nakao Akira. Application of vermiculite to inhibit radiocesium uptake by rice. Abstracts of Meeting of the CSSJ. 2024. 258. 3-3
Tetsuya Eguchi, Hisaya Matsunami, Shigeto Fujimura, Takuro Shinano. Influence of fluorine content of potassium trioctahedral micas on plant availability of interlayer potassium and effectiveness to reduce radiocesium uptake by paddy rice. Applied Clay Science. 2023. 243. 107049-107049
Tetsuya Eguchi, Daigo Yamada, Takashi Hirayama, Kazuhiro Kohata, Noboru Kanno, Naoto Nihei, Shoichiro Hamamoto, Katashi Kubo, Takashi Saito, Takuro Shinano. Potassium buffering characteristics and detection of soils with challenges in evaluating radiocesium uptake risk of crops by exchangeable potassium. ARCHIVES OF AGRONOMY AND SOIL SCIENCE. 2023
Franck Albinet, Yi Peng, Tetsuya Eguchi, Erik Smolders, Gerd Dercon. Prediction of exchangeable potassium in soil through mid-infrared spectroscopy and deep learning: From prediction to explainability. Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture. 2022. 6. 230-241
Masataka Suzuki, Tetsuya Eguchi, Kazuki Azuma, Atsushi Nakao, Katashi Kubo, Shigeto Fujimura, Muhamad Syaifudin, Hayato Maruyama, Toshihiro Watanabe, Takuro Shinano. The ratio of plant 137Cs to exchangeable 137Cs in soil is a crucial factor in explaining the variation in 137Cs transferability from soil to plant. Science of The Total Environment. 2022. 857. Pt 1. 159208-159208
more... MISC (62): -
若林正吉, 藤村恵人, 江口哲也, 中尾淳, 矢内純太. 水田の放射性セシウム移行性を示す指標としての交換性放射性セシウムと非交換性カリの比較. 日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集(Web). 2023. 69
若林正吉, 江口哲也, 中尾淳, 東和喜, 藤村恵人, 久保堅司, 矢内純太. TPB法と熱硝酸法の非交換性カリ抽出特性の違い. 日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集(Web). 2021. 67
若林正吉, 江口哲也, 黒川耕平, 中尾淳, 藤村恵人, 松波寿弥, 矢内純太. 玄米への放射性Cs移行評価手法としての非交換性カリの定量法の検討. 日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集(Web). 2020. 66
若林正吉, 江口哲也, 黒川耕平, 中尾淳, 藤村恵人, 矢ヶ崎泰海, 木田義信, 久保堅司, 松波寿弥, 矢内純太. 土壌の放射性Cs移行性を評価するための非交換性カリ定量法の検討-水稲,ダイズ作における3手法間の比較-. 日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集(Web). 2020. 66
- 若林 正吉, 江口 哲也, 黒川 耕平, 中尾 淳, 藤村 恵人, 松波 寿弥, 矢内 純太. 20 玄米への放射性Cs移行評価手法としての非交換性カリの定量法の検討(東北支部講演会,2019年度各支部会). 日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集. 2020. 66. 0. 211-211
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