2018 - 2021 Study on micro-manipulation using adhesion force control
2015 - 2018 Compatibility of reversible adhesion and surface roughness absorption by inclining micro-structures of gecko inspired adhesives
2013 - 2015 Development of bio-inspired adhesive attachment-and-detachment devices
2012 - 2013 弾性梁の凝着による把持・脱離システムの最適設計と試作
Papers (55):
Ming Ji, Yu Sekiguchi, Masanobu Naito, Chiaki Sato. A modified spectral collocation method for vibration of sandwich beams based on a higher-order layer-wise beam theory. Thin-Walled Structures. 2025. 209. 112949
Jin-Woo Han, Yu Sekiguchi, Kazumasa Shimamoto, Haruhisa Akiyama, Chiaki Sato. Effect of rapid interfacial moisture penetration on moisture distribution within adhesive layers. Materials Letters. 2025. 381. 137768
Jin-Woo Han, Yu Sekiguchi, Kazumasa Shimamoto, Haruhisa Akiyama, Chiaki Sato. Direct Measurement of the Diffusion Coefficient of Adhesives from Moisture Distribution in Adhesive Layers Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2024. 16. 40. 54610-54626
Jin-Woo Han, Yu Sekiguchi, Kazumasa Shimamoto, Haruhisa Akiyama, Chiaki Sato. Experimental investigation of moisture penetration in adhesive layers under varying bonding conditions using near-infrared spectroscopy. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 2024. 134. 103792
Shinya Iizuka, Yu Sekiguchi, Chiaki Sato. Measurement of the water vapor transmission rate at temperatures above 100 °C. The Journal of Adhesion. 2024
WATANABE Shunsuke, MORIYA Shohei, SEKIGUCHI Yu, OKINO Akitoshi, SATO Chiaki. Effect of Atmospheric Low Temperature Plasma Treatment on Fracture Strength of Adhesively Bonded Joints of Fiber reinforced polypropylene. The Proceedings of the Materials and Mechanics Conference. 2018. 2018. 0. OS0219
Residual stress determination in SGA layer caused in curing process
(14th International Triennial Conference on the Science and Technology of Adhesion and Adhesives 2019)
2011 - 2013 Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School of Science and Engineering Department of International Development Engineering
2009 - 2011 Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School of Science and Engineering Department of International Development Engineering
2006 - 2009 Tokyo Institute of Technology School of Engineering Department of International Development Engineering
Professional career (2):
博士(工学) (東京工業大学)
修士(工学) (東京工業大学)
Work history (5):
2024/10 - 現在 Institute of Science Tokyo Institute of Integrated Research Associate Professor
2024/04 - 2024/09 Tokyo Institute of Technology Institute of Innovative Research Associate Professor
2016/04 - 2024/03 Tokyo Institute of Technology Institute of Innovative Research Assistant Professor
2013/05 - 2016/03 Tokyo Institute of Technology Precision and Intelligence Laboratory Assistant Professor
2012/04 - 2013/04 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Committee career (8):
2024/03 - 現在 一般社団法人 溶接学会 界面接合研究委員会 幹事
2023/05 - 現在 一般社団法人日本接着学会 構造接着・精密接着研究会 幹事
2022/06 - 現在 一般社団法人日本接着学会 コンテンツ委員会
2020/03 - 現在 Materials [MDPI] Reviewer Board Member
2016/07 - 現在 一般社団法人日本接着学会 評議員
2014/12 - 現在 一般社団法人日本接着学会 関東支部幹事
2014/04 - 現在 一般社団法人 日本接着学会 関東支部 若手交流会 代表幹事
2021/06 - 2022/05 一般社団法人日本接着学会 HP改定委員会
Show all
Awards (3):
2024/03 - 東京工業大学 オープンイノベーション機構 オープンイノベータ功労賞
2018/06 - 一般社団法人日本接着学会 奨励賞
2014/02 - 国立大学法人東京工業大学 手島精一記念研究賞(博士論文賞)
Association Membership(s) (6):
Japan Welding Society
, Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc.
, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan
, The Society of Materials Science, Japan
, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
, The Adhesion Society of Japan