Research field (4):
Religious studies
, Local studies
, Cultural anthropology and folklore
, Biodiversity and systematics
Research keywords (12):
Indian Ocean
, Islam
, 民衆イスラーム
, スーフィー教団
, Sufism
, East Africa
, アラブ首長国連邦
, immigrants
, きのこ
, 地理情報システム
, Area Studies
, 文化人類学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2022 - 2026 The Islamic Revival in Paradox: Why the Sufi Orders in East Africa Gain in Popularity
2017 - 2022 The Anthropology across the Borders: The Formation of Hadhrami Network in the Western Indian Ocean World
2008 - 2009 スワヒリコーストにおけるアラブ移民ハドラミーのネットワーク
Papers (9):
ASADA Akira. The Prophet as Fountainhead: The ‘Alawi Order and Common People in the Islamic Revival of Zanzibar. Kanazawa Seiryo University Bulletin of the Humanities. 2024. 8. 1. 37-55
ASADA Akira. Contemporary Sufism: Tariqa ‘Alawiyya in Zanzibar, Tanzania. USBIK 2020: 3rd International Social Sciences Congress. 2020. 720-729
朝田郁. 教えの系譜を受け継ぐ. 太田さん退職記念文集. 2019. 154-156
ASADA Akira. Folk Islam in Contemporary East Africa. USBIK 2018: 1st International Social Sciences Congress. 2018. 1525-1544