J-GLOBAL ID:201601004041192428
Update date: Oct. 04, 2024 Nakano Naoto
ナカノ ナオト | Nakano Naoto
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor (non-tenured)
Research field (3):
Statistical science
, Applied mathematics and statistics
, Basic mathematics
Research keywords (6):
Data-Driven Dynamical Modelling
, Reservoir computing
, Stochastic modelling
, Time-series analysis
, Delay embedding
, Mathematics for Machine Learning
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8): - 2022 - 2026 Development of a novel data assimilation technique for application to particle-based simulation models
- 2023 - 2025 A statistical physics and dynamical system approach to input-output integrated random networks
- 2020 - 2024 A mathematical study of dimensionality reduction and embedding by theories of delay-coordinate systems and algebraic geometry
- 2016 - 2019 Cross-cutting research of data- and model-driven methods by interlacing deductive and inductive cellular automata constructing method
- 2014 - 2018 New development of time-series predicting process based on comprehensive mathematical approach
- 2014 - 2018 Meteorological analysis and prediction on the low-dimensional space
- 2013 - 2016 A study Research of mathematical analysis and numerical analytical a non-linear continuum with density gradient-dependent stress
- 2013 - 2015 Construction of mathematical models for long-term forecast of atmospheric variation by climate time-series
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Papers (16): -
Akira Tsuchiyama, Megumi Matsumoto, Junya Matsuno, Masahiro Yasutake, Tomoki Nakamura, Takaaki Noguchi, Akira Miyake, Kentaro Uesugi, Akihisa Takeuchi, Shota Okumura, et al. Three-dimensional textures of Ryugu samples and their implications for the evolution of aqueous alteration in the Ryugu parent body. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2024. 375. 146-172
Masaru Inatsu, Mio Matsueda, Naoto Nakano, Sho Kawazoe. Prediction skill and practical predictability depending on the initial atmospheric states in S2S forecasts. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 2023. 80. 6. 1449
Junichi Haruna, Riki Toshio, Naoto Nakano. Path integral approach to universal dynamics of reservoir computers. Physical Review E. 2023. 107. 3
Masaru Inatsu, Tamaki Suematsu, Yuta Tamaki, Naoto Nakano, Kao Mizushima, Mizuki Shinohara. Development of a Pressure-Precipitation Transmitter. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 2019. 58. 11. 2453-2468
Takuya Aikawa, Masaru Inatsu, Naoto Nakano, Tetsuya Iwano. Mode-Decomposed Equation Diagnosis for Atmospheric Blocking Development. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 2019. 76. 10. 3151-3167
more... MISC (11): -
川原田 茜, 宮路 智行, 中野 直人. 統計的にセル・オートマトンをモデルする:その目的と実践 (統計的モデリングと予測理論のための統合的数理研究). 数理解析研究所講究録. 2017. 2057. 67-80
- 中野 直人, 稲津 將, 楠岡 誠一郎, 斉木 吉隆. P337 確率微分方程式モデルによる時系列予測可能性解析(ポスター・セッション). 大会講演予講集. 2015. 107. 355-355
中野 直人, 稲津 將, 楠岡 誠一郎, 齊木 吉隆. 時系列データに対する確率微分方程式モデルの統計的係数決定公式と軌道の予測可能性について (偏微分方程式の背後にある確率過程と解の族が示す統計力学的な現象の解析). 数理解析研究所講究録. 2014. 1919. 38-60
- 玉置 雄大, 稲津 將, 久野 龍介, 中野 直人. D155 夏季北海道におけるサンプリングダウンスケーリング(気候システムII,一般口頭発表). 大会講演予講集. 2014. 105. 158-158
- 稲津 將, 中野 直人, 楠岡 誠一郎, 向川 均. A163 非定常揺動散逸定理を用いた冬季成層圏循環の予測可能性の解析(気候システムI,口頭発表). 大会講演予講集. 2014. 106. 117-117
more... Lectures and oral presentations (125): -
(2021年度MIMS研究集会「現象と数理モデル〜数理モデリング学の形成に向けて〜」 2022)
(第64回自動制御連合講演会 OS09「低次元モデルに基づく先進的流体制御」 2021)
(第24回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ 2021)
(日本物理学会2021年秋季大会・物性 2021)
MATLABを使った数学・統計入門の授業 - 京都大学の事例から学ぶ プログラミング×数学教育
(MATLABを使った数学・統計入門の授業 - 京都大学の事例から学ぶ プログラミング×数学教育 2021)
more... Education (3): - 2007 - 2010 Keio University Graduate School of Science and Technology Fundamental Science and Technology
- 2005 - 2007 Keio University Graduate School of Science and Technology Fundamental Science and Technology
- 2001 - 2005 Keio University Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Mathematics
Professional career (1): Work history (11): - 2022/04 - 現在 Meiji University Graduate School of Advanced Mathematical Sciences Associate Professor (non-tenured)
- 2022/10 - 2023/03 Keio University
- 2017/09 - 2022/03 Kyoto University Center for Innovative Research and Education in Data Science, Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences Program-Specific Senior Lecturer
- 2018/04 - 2020/03 National Institute of Science and Technology Policy Science and Technology Foresight Center The S&T Experts Network Investigator
- 2017/09 - 2018/03 Japan Science and Technology Agency PRESTO PRESTO Researcher
- 2014/11 - 2017/08 Hokkaido University Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science Researcher
- 2014/11 - 2017/08 Japan Science and Technology Agency PRESTO PRESTO Researcher
- 2013/02 - 2014/10 Tohoku University Advanced Institute for Materials Research Assistant Professor
- 2011/02 - 2013/01 Hokkaido University Department of Natural History Sciences, Faculty of Science Postdoctral Fellow
- 2010/04 - 2011/03 Shibaura Institute of Technology Department of Engineering Part-time Lecturer
- 2007/04 - 2008/03 Keio University The 21st Century COE Program (Integrative Mathematical Sciences) Research Assistant
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Awards (2): - 2018/03 - The Mathematical Society of Japan The 2017 MSJ Prize for Excellent Applied Mathematicians Data-driven dynamical reconstruction: Mathematical analysis for delay and derivative embeddings
- 2015/12 - 3rd International Workshop on Applications and Fundamentals of Cellular Automata AFCA Best Paper Award Proper choice of spatio-temporal scale and dataset subsampling for empirical CA construction
Association Membership(s) (6):
Information Processing Society of Japan
, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
, Meteorological Society of Japan
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