J-GLOBAL ID:201601005196826179
Update date: Aug. 17, 2024 Ken Ishimaru
イシマル ケン | Ken Ishimaru
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Crop production science
Research keywords (3):
, 粒形
, 収量
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5): - 2017 - 2022 Functional analysis of lodging resistance locus prl5 in rice
- 2012 - 2015 Functional analysis of RG5, a locus determining carbohydrate accumulation capacity in rice
- 2007 - 2009 Function of QTL for rice lodging resistance in a typhoon
- 2004 - 2006 Physiological and genetic analysis for lodging resistance in rice
- 2002 - 2004 The analysis of gene expressions related to yield in rice bared on genome information
Papers (74): -
Tadamasa Ueda, Ken Ishimaru, Akitoshi Goto, Takashi Ikka, Katsuhiko Kondo, Kazuki Matsubara, Takeshi Hayashi, Toshio Yamamoto, Junichi Tanaka. Evaluation of the genetic effect of nine yield-related alleles using near-isogenic lines in the genetic backgrounds of Japanese rice cultivars. Breeding Research. 2021. 23. 1. 16-27
Ishimaru Ken, Kashiwagi Takayuki, Hirotsu Naoki. Genetic and physiological studies of rice yield and its related traits. Abstracts of Meeting of the CSSJ. 2020. 249. 0. 214-216
Ujiie K, Ishimaru K, Hirotsu N, Nagasaka S, Miyakoshi Y, Ota M, Tokida T, Sakai H, Usui Y, Ono K, et al. How elevated CO2 affects our nutrition in rice, and how we can deal with it. PloS one 14(3) e0212840. 2019. 14. 3. e0212840
Noguchi Masahiro, Shimizu Junpei, Sugisaki Fumiya, Ishimaru Ken, Hirotsu Naoki. Effect of loss of TGW6 on starch translocation and grain filling. Abstracts of Meeting of the CSSJ. 2018. 245. 0. 224-224
Hirotsu N, Ujiie K, Perera I, Iri A, Kashiwagi T, Ishimaru K. Partial loss-of-function of NAL1 alters canopy photosynthesis by changing the contribution of upper and lower canopy leaves in rice. Scientific Reports. 2017. 7. 1. 15958
more... MISC (42): -
加藤悦子, 石丸健. Correlation analysis of rice texture and conformation by solid state NMR. 飯島藤十郎記念食品科学振興財団年報. 2020. 35
Development of antagonist for TGW6 to improve grain yield and quality. 2019. 3. 4. 381-385
石丸健, 廣津直樹, 円由香, 清水文一, 宮川恒, 柏木孝幸, 氏家和広, 加藤悦子. 米粒の長さと重さに関わる新規遺伝子TGW6を発見. 農業生物資源研究所主な研究成果. 2014. 2013. 16-17
HOSOYA Keita, NITTA Youji, ASAGI Naomi, SHIOTSU Fumitaka, KOKUBO Toshiaki, UJIIE Kazuhiro, ISHIMARU Ken. Analysis on the Avoidance Mechanism of Occurrence of Chalky Rice Grain by Using Chromosome Segment Substitution Lines : Cultivar/line difference on starch accumulation of white portion. 2013. 82. 120-121
UJIIE Kazuhiro, ISHIMARU Ken. Analysis of Chromosome Regions for Source Ability Using IR64/Koshihikari//Koshihikari Chromosome Segment Substitution Lines. 2012. 81. 324-325
more... Work history (1): - 2000/04 - 2001/03 ミラノ大学客員研究員
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