J-GLOBAL ID:201601006772331438
Update date: Sep. 03, 2022 SADAHIRO KUMAMOTO
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Literature - British/English-languag
Research keywords (5):
Medieval English literature
, Chaucer
, English philology
, language and style
, English culture
Papers (18): -
KUMAMOTO SADAHIRO. チョーサー的トーン('tone'):チョーサーの詩言語研究試論. Kumamoto University Studies in Social and Cultural Sciences. 2018. 16. 61-76
KUMAMOTO SADAHIRO. The Creation of 'Tone' in Chaucer's Poetic Lines: A tentative Study on Chaucer's Emotive Language. Kumamoto Journal of Culture and Humanities. 2013. 104. 41-60
KUMAMOTO SADAHIRO. Enjambment in Chaucer: A Tentative Study. Kumamoto Studies in English Language and Literature. 2007. 50. 1-24
KUMAMOTO SADAHIRO. The Usage of Intensive Adverbs in 18th Century English: Especially on 'maximizer'. Kumamoto University Studies in Social and Cultural Sciences. 2005. 3. 31-46
KUMAMOTO SADAHIRO. The 'enjambment' in Chaucer's The Book of the Duchess. Kumamoto University Studies in Social and Cultural Sciences. 2004. 2. 2. 17-36
more... MISC (6): -
KUMAMOTO SADAHIRO. The Lyrics and Ballads in England. The Japan-British Society of Hiroshima Quarterly. 2012. 93. 6-9
KUMAMOTO SADAHIRO. M. Connoly & Y. Ieiri (eds.), Medieval English Language and Literature (Kaibunnsha, 2002). 270 pp. 2002. 8. 17-20
隈元 貞広. 宇賀治正朋(著)『英語史』(開拓社、2000年)270頁. 英語史研究会会報. 2001. 5. 20-22
KUMAMOTO SADAHIRO. The Way of Occurrence of the 'accusative with infinitive' Construction. 2000. 4. 7-10
KUMAMOTO SADAHIRO. A Study on the Language of ME Translation The Romaunt of the Rose. MES Japan News. 1997. 25. 3-3
more... Books (14): - The Basic Knowledge about English Culture and Literature
Kaitakusha 2017
- Dickens: Pictures from Italy
Iwanami Bunko 2010
- Medieval Romances in England and France
Otowa-shobo/Tsurumi-shoten 2009
- Stylistic Studies of Literature
Peter Lang 2009
- Dickens: American Notes (vol. 2)
Iwanami Bunko 2005
more... Lectures and oral presentations (13): -
The 'tone' of Chaucer's Poetic Lines
(Kumamoto University Literary Society 2015)
The Study of the Language of Literature
On the Rhyme in The Romaunt of the Rose-A
(The 69th General Meeting of The English Literary Society of Japan 1997)
The World of Medieval English Romance "Breton Lays"
(The 66th General Meeting of The English Literary Society of Japan 1994)
The Vocabulary Used to Depect Characters in The Romaunt of the Rose-A: As Compared with the Original French Text
more... Professional career (1): Return to Previous Page