Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2024 - 2025 社会的孤立の解消を目指した AI チャットシステムの開発
2021 - 2025 Impact of executive function on psychological detachment and mental distress of workers
2022 - 2023 遠隔勤務者のストレス高精度早期検出のためのマルチモーダル感情推定技術の開発
2011 - 2015 Development a general solution-focused attitude scale (GSFAS) that will serve as an effective indicator to measure the effectiveness of SFBT.
Papers (27):
Keita Kiuchi. Artificial Intelligence Ethics in Psychological Support Services: Scoping Review with Systematic Literature Search. 2025
Keita Kiuchi, Kouyou Otsu, Yugo Hayashi. Psychological insights into the research and practice of embodied conversational agents, chatbots and social assistive robots: a systematic meta-review. Behaviour & Information Technology. 2024
Keita Kiuchi, Hidehiro Umehara, Koushi Irizawa, Xin Kang, Masahito Nakataki, Minoru Yoshida, Shusuke Numata, Kazuyuki Matsumoto. An Exploratory Study of the Potential of Online Counseling for University Students by a Human-Operated Avatar Counselor. Healthcare. 2024. 12. 13. 1287-1287
Keita Kiuchi, Xin Kang, Ryota Nishimura, Manabu Sasayama, Kazuyuki Matsumoto. Predicting Physical and Mental Health Status One Month Later through Interview-Based Stress Assessment. 2023
Keita Kiuchi, Takeshi Sasaki, Masaya Takahashi, Tomohide Kubo, Toru Yoshikawa, Tomoaki Matsuo, Xinxin Liu. Mediating and moderating effects of psychological detachment on the association between stressors and depression: A longitudinal study of Japanese workers. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine. 2022. 65. 3. e161-e169
安陪梨沙, 渡邊咲花, 大津耕陽, 木内敬太, 木内敬太, 林勇吾. A Pilot Study for Interactive Mental Healthcare Support by Conversational Robot for the Elderly. 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(Web). 2024. 124. 19(HCS2024 1-33)
大津耕陽, 木内敬太, 木内敬太, 林勇吾. Interactive Mental Health Support with a Chatbot Based on the Solution-focused Approach: A Validation with Elderly People. 情報処理学会論文誌ジャーナル(Web). 2024. 65. 1
大津耕陽, 西田勇樹, 木内敬太, 林勇吾. Introducing Conversation Tasks Based on the Solution Focused Approach to a Chatbot for Personalized Mental Health Care Support. ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌(CD-ROM). 2022. 24. 4
大津耕陽, 下條志厳, 木内敬太, 木内敬太, 林勇吾. A Study Focusing on Conversational Tasks for Interactive Mental Health Support Using Chatbot. 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(Web). 2022. 121. 363(HCS2021 43-60)
Development and COSMIN-based validation of a revised version of the Excessive Fatigue Symptoms Inventory
(The 97th Congress of the Japan Society for Occupational Health 2024)