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J-GLOBAL ID:201601008695982440   Update date: Sep. 21, 2024

Yasuyuki Kawaharada

カワハラダ ヤスユキ | Yasuyuki Kawaharada
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Associate Professor
Research field  (1): Plant nutrition, soil science
Research keywords  (8): マメ科植物 ,  根粒菌 ,  根粒共生 ,  legume nodulation ,  Molecular microbiology ,  bacterial polysaccharide ,  Plant Molecular Biology ,  Plant microbes interaction
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • 2023 - 2026 Nitrogen Acquisition in Plant via Bacterial Volatiles
  • 2019 - 2022 Functional analysis of EPR3 receptor in plants
  • 2017 - 2019 Does the legume LysM receptor recognize exopolysaccharide from pathogenic bacteria?
Papers (30):
  • 川原田 泰之. 根粒共生で機能するBradyrhizobium 属根粒菌の菌体外多糖. 土と微生物. 2024. 78. 1. 5-11
  • 細菌性の揮発性物質を介した植物生育制御. アグリバイオ. 2023. 7. 12. 59-61
  • Furong Li, Natsumi Kawato, Haruka Sato, Yasuyuki Kawaharada, Mitsuki Henmi, Ami Shinoda, Taichi Hasunuma, Chikako Nishitani, Yuriko Osakabe, Keishi Osakabe, et al. Release of chimeras and efficient selection of editing mutants by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing in apple. Scientia Horticulturae. 2023. 316. 112011-112011
  • Yuhei Chiba, Mao Sasaki, Sachiko Masuda, Arisa Shibata, Ken Shirasu, Yasuyuki Kawaharada. A Novel Rhizobium sp. Chiba-1 Strain Exhibits a Host Range for Nodule Symbiosis in Lotus Species. Microbes and Environments. 2023. 38. 4. n/a-n/a
  • Natsumi Kawato, Haruka Sato, Ami Shinoda, Furong Li, Taichi Hasunuma, Chikako Nishitani, Yasuyuki Kawaharada, Sadao Komori. 培養維持期間および培地組成がリンゴ葉切片のシュート再分化に及ぼす影響. Breeding Research. 2023
MISC (8):
  • 金子貴一, 杉谷翔, 原田龍一, 平川英樹, 川原田泰之, RADUTOIU Elena Simona, 佐藤修正. ミヤコグサエンドファイトRhizobium sp.KAW12のゲノム解析. 植物微生物研究会研究交流会講演要旨集. 2014. 24th
  • SUGAWARA,SATOSHI, KAWAHARADA,YASUYUKI, MATSUMOTO,TAKASHI, SHIWA,YUU, YOSHIKAWA,HIROHUMI, EDA,SHIMA, MITSUI,HISAYUKI, MINAMISAWA,KIWAMU. 1A-12 The cep gene is necessary for invasion of leguminous hosts by Mesorhizobium loti(Oral Session). 2010. 66
  • 金子貴一, 南澤究, 中務弘基, 三井久幸, 川原田泰之, 中村保一, 田畑哲之, 佐藤修正. バクテリアエンドファイトAzospirillum sp.B510のゲノム構造解析. 日本ゲノム微生物学会年会要旨集. 2010. 4th
  • 金子貴一, 南澤究, 中務弘基, 三井久幸, 川原田泰之, 中村保一, 田畑哲之, 佐藤修正. バクテリアエンドファイトAzospirillum sp.B510のゲノム構造解析. 植物微生物研究会研究交流会講演要旨集. 2010. 19th
  • 金子貴一, 南澤究, 佐藤修正, 中務弘基, 三井久幸, 川原田泰之, 中村保一, 田畑哲之. バクテリアエンドファイトAzospirillum sp.B510ゲノムの全塩基配列決定と解析. 植物微生物研究会研究交流会講演要旨集. 2009. 18th
Books (1):
  • 学術の動向
    日本学術協力財団 2017
Lectures and oral presentations  (6):
  • ERF Required for Nodulation 1 (ERN1) regulates rhizobial symbiosis in Lotus japonicus
    (19th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation 2015)
  • A novel receptor perceives Rhizobial exopolysaccharides and controls epidermal infection of Lotus japonicus
    (XVI International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 2014)
  • Screening for Lotus japonicus mutants involved in the perception of or response to rhizobial exopolysaccharides
    (18th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation 2013)
  • A mutant approach to identify legume genes required for recognition of rhizobial surface polysaccharides
    (10th European Nitrogen Fixation Conference 2012)
  • Studies of the symbiosis between L. japonicus and the M. loti eps mutant
    (9th European Nitrogen Fixation Conference 2010)
Awards (1):
  • 2018/04 - 文部科学省 文部科学大臣表彰若手科学者賞
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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