Research field (4):
Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics
, Applied mathematics and statistics
, Algebra
, Mathematical physics and basic theory
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2019 - 2024 スーパー量子群がつなぐ2次元共形場理論と1次元ハバード模型
2016 - 2019 Super quantum groups and its applications for mathematical physics
Papers (29):
Takuya Matsumoto. Drinfeld realization of the centrally extended psl(2|2) Yangian algebra with the manifest coproducts. ・arXiv への公開(2022/08/26時点)。,・Journal of Mathematical Physics (JMP) に2022/09/05に投稿、2023/04/07に受理(accept)。,・2023/04/27に出版(Published Online)。,,Cite as: J. Math. Phys. 64, 041704 (2023); doi: 10.1063/5.0124333,Submitted: 5 September 2022 • Accepted: 7 April 2023 •,Published Online: 27 April 2023. 2023
Takuya Matsumoto. Free field realizations of the Virasoro primary fields of the extended W-algebras of type A1 at positive rational levels. In principle, the journal name should be the abbreviated journal name specified by the journal in which the article was published.,If the journal name is in European language, the first letter of the word should be capitalized.,The first letter of the first word should be capitalized, and the first letter of the second and subsequent words should be lower case. 2022. Vol. 42(2021). 89-136
Takuya Matsumoto. Explicit examples of the nilpotency of the Virasoro screening operators. Proceedings of Summer Seminar on Lie Algebras and Related Topics 36 (2021). 2022
Takuya Matsumoto, Kentaroh Yoshida. Towards the gravity/CYBE correspondence - the current status -. XXIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTEGRABLE SYSTEMS AND QUANTUM SYMMETRIES (ISQS-23). 2016. 670
Drinfeld realization of the centrally extended psl(2|2) Yangian algebra with the manifest coproducts
(ETH Zurich, Seminar series ”QFT, Strings & Beyond” 2022)
Drinfeld realization of the centrally extended psl(2|2) Yangian algebra with the manifest coproducts
(多弦数理物理学セミナー(名古屋大学多元数理科学研究科におけるセミナー発表) 2022)