2023 - 2026 Revealing a mechanism involving introception in the emergece and exacerbation of antisocial behavior
2023 - 2026 規範逸脱行動の行為主体感に関する認知神経メカニズムの検討
2020 - 2025 Revealing an exacerbating mechanism of antisociality from early childhood: Developing a VR-based measurement of cognitive, emotional and behavioral risks
Takahiro Osumi. Mediating role of attenuated physiological arousal on the association between psychopathic traits and fairness norm violation. Scientific Reports. 2019. 9. 18053
Development and validation of the virtual reality-based assessment of social information processing: Comparing first- and third-person perspectives
(International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID) Conference 2003 2023)