Kousuke Okabe. Kinematic redundancy: Kinetics for use with redundant manipulators. Open Access Government. 2023. 38. 1. 288-289
Kousuke Okabe. Translating Manipulating Force Polytope by Dynamics on Kinematical Redundant Manipulators. Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan. 2023. 41. 3. 303-308
Kousuke Okabe. Elucidation of kinetics for use with redundant manipulators. Impact. 2022. 2022. 1. 15-17
OKABE Kousuke, AIYAMA Yasumichi. 2P1-F09 Motion Planning with Path-Finding Method Switching for Fast Motion of Path Tracking Task with Constant Hand Speed Using Redundancy. 2015. 2015. "2P1-F09(1)"-"2P1-F09(4)"
OKABE Kousuke, AIYAMA Yasumichi. 1P1-Q01 Motion Planning with Hand Path Partitioning on Fast Path Tracking Constant Hand-Speed Motion using Redundant Manipulator(New Control Theory and Motion Control (1)). 2014. 2014. "1P1-Q01(1)"-"1P1-Q01(4)"
OKABE Kousuke, AIYAMA Yasumichi. 2P1-J04 the motion planning of the redundant manipulator for the purpose of speed-up of the hands constant velocity tasks(New Control Theory and Motion Control). 2013. 2013. "2P1-J04(1)"-"2P1-J04(4)"
MOTOYOSHI Takashi, OKABE Kousuke, AIYAMA Yasumichi. 2P1-J05 Motion Planning of Redundant Manipulators and Optimization of Initial Position for High-Speed Motion(New Control Theory and Motion Control). 2013. 2013. "2P1-J05(1)"-"2P1-J05(4)"
OKABE Kousuke, Oguro Ryuichi. 1P1-F13 Basic research on the Force sensorless force control. 2010. 2010. "1P1-F13(1)"-"1P1-F13(3)"
Lectures and oral presentations (26):
(ROBOMECH2024 in Utsunomiya 2024)
Translating Dynamic Manipulability Polyhedron by Coupling with Task and Redundant Motion in Kinematically Redundant Manipulators
(24th Robotics Simposia 2019)
2018/04 - 現在 National Institute of Technology, Wakayama College Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Associate Professor
2015/04 - 2017/03 National Institute of Technology, Wakayama College Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Asistant Professor
2012/04 - 2015/03 University of Tsukuba Graduate Shool of Systems and Information Engineering Doctoral Course Student
2010/04 - 2012/03 Kyushu Institute of Technology Computer Science and Systems Engineering Master's Course Student
Committee career (2):
2021/04 - 2022/03 日本ロボット学会 研究奨励賞選考小委員会 委員
2019/11 - 2021/10 日本ロボット学会 学術講演会関連賞選考小委員会 委員
Awards (1):
The Robotics Society of Japan Robotics Simposia Research Encouragement Award Translating Dynamic Manipulability Polyhedron by Coupling with Task and Redundant Motion in Kinematically Redundant Manipulators
Association Membership(s) (3):
, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers