J-GLOBAL ID:201601016923254762
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024
(Maki) Okamura Natsumi
オカムラ (マキ) ナツミ | (Maki) Okamura Natsumi
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Crop production science
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2022 - 2025 フィールド・マルチオミックス解析によるムギ類出穂期不安定性の遺伝学的研究
Papers (10):
岡村夏海, 澤田寛子, 松山宏美, 渡邊和洋. 追肥重点施肥が関東地域で栽培した六条オオムギ「シュンライ」および「カシマゴール」の生育,収量,タンパク質含有率および硝子率に及ぼす影響. 2023. 92. 1. 48-54
Influence of moderately high temperatures durling grain filling on glassy grain rate of six-rowed barley variety 'Shunrai'. 2023. 92. 1. 19-27
Hiroko Sawada, Hiromi Matsuyama, Hitoshi Matsunaka, Masaya Fujita, Natsumi Okamura, Masako Seki, Hisayo Kojima, Chikako Kiribuchi-Otobe, Toshiyuki Takayama, Shunsuke Oda, et al. Evaluation of dry matter production and yield in early-sown wheat using near-isogenic lines for the vernalization locus Vrn-D1. PLANT PRODUCTION SCIENCE. 2019. 22. 2. 275-284
Natsumi Okamura, Satoko Yasumoto, Makoto Kojima, Masaki Okamura, Yasuo Ohshita. Establishment rate of direct-seeded rice in the relay-intercropping system in Kanto region of Japan. Plant Production Science. 2018. 22. 3. 278-285
Satoko Yasumoto, Natsumi Maki, Makoto Kojima, Yasuo Ohshita. Changes in developmental duration of direct-seeded rice in a well-drained paddy field in response to late planting. PLANT PRODUCTION SCIENCE. 2017. 20. 3. 279-287
MISC (16):
Okamura Natsumi, Sawada Hiroko. Preliminary Study of Dual-purpose System of Barley in Japan. The Hokuriku Crop Science. 2022. 57. 57. 15-18
Yasumoto Satoko, Kojima Makoto, Okamura Natsumi, Sawada Hiroko, Matsuzaki Morio. Estimation of Heading Dates of Different Rice Cultivars under Dry Direct-Seeding Across Diverse Planting Dates. Japanese Journal of Crop Science. 2020. 89. 4. 285-298
Matsuyama Hiromi, Okamura Natsumi, Ookawa Taiichiro. The Characteristics Influencing Strong Culm Associated with Lodging Resistance of Main Wheat Cultivars in Japan. Japanese Journal of Crop Science. 2020. 89. 2. 119-125
Matsuyama Hiromi, Matsunaka Hitoshi, Sawada Hiroko, Fujita Masaya, Okamura Natsumi, Nakamura Kazuhiro. Effects of Rising Temperature on Wheat Yield and Its Difference Between the Near-Isogenic Lines for the Vernalization Locus Vrn-D1-Analysis of the Results of the Field Test at Two Sites-. Abstracts of Meeting of the CSSJ. 2019. 248. 89-89
Evaluation of Cultivation Method in Wheat Variety 'Satonosora' in Upland Fields Converted from Paddy in Chiba prefecture. -Analysis of the Factors of Instability for Grain Yield and Quality-. 2019. 7. 11-32
Lectures and oral presentations (33):
Analysis of the relationship between glassy grain rate and weather conditions in barley using near-isogenic lines of daylength-responsive genes.
Challenge for dual-purpose system of barley in Japan.
(日本作物学会第245回講演会要旨集 2018)
(2017年度日本土壌肥料学会関東支部神奈川大会講演要旨集 2017)
(日本作物学会第244回講演会要旨集 2017)
Association Membership(s) (1):
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