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J-GLOBAL ID:201601017419854658   Update date: Jun. 29, 2022

Kobayashi Daisuke

Kobayashi Daisuke
Research keywords  (4): 化学療法 ,  手術 ,  胃 ,  食道
MISC (70):
  • Mitsuro Kanda, Dai Shimizu, Haruyoshi Tanaka, Chie Tanaka, Daisuke Kobayashi, Masamichi Hayashi, Naoki Iwata, Yukiko Niwa, Suguru Yamada, Tsutomu Fujii, et al. Significance of SYT8 For the Detection, Prediction, and Treatment of Peritoneal Metastasis From Gastric Cancer. Annals of surgery. 2018. 267. 3. 495-503
  • Mitsuro Kanda, Chie Tanaka, Daisuke Kobayashi, Hiroaki Uda, Kenichi Inaoka, Yuri Tanaka, Masamichi Hayashi, Naoki Iwata, Suguru Yamada, Tsutomu Fujii, et al. Preoperative Albumin-Bilirubin Grade Predicts Recurrences After Radical Gastrectomy in Patients with pT2-4 Gastric Cancer. World journal of surgery. 2018. 42. 3. 773-781
  • Hiroaki Uda, Mitsuro Kanda, Chie Tanaka, Daisuke Kobayashi, Kenichi Inaoka, Yuri Tanaka, Masamichi Hayashi, Naoki Iwata, Suguru Yamada, Tsutomu Fujii, et al. Perioperative Serum Carcinoembryonic Antigen Levels Predict Recurrence and Survival of Patients with Pathological T2-4 Gastric Cancer Treated with Curative Gastrectomy. DIGESTIVE SURGERY. 2018. 35. 1. 55-63
  • Takashi Miwa, Mitsuro Kanda, Haruyoshi Tanaka, Chie Tanaka, Daisuke Kobayashi, Shinichi Umeda, Naoki Iwata, Masamichi Hayashi, Suguru Yamada, Tsutomu Fujii, et al. FBXO50 Enhances the Malignant Behavior of Gastric Cancer Cells. ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY. 2017. 24. 12. 3771-3779
  • Haruyoshi Tanaka, Mitsuro Kanda, Dai Shimizu, Chie Tanaka, Daisuke Kobayashi, Masamichi Hayashi, Naoki Iwata, Suguru Yamada, Tsutomu Fujii, Goro Nakayama, et al. FAM46C Serves as a Predictor of Hepatic Recurrence in Patients with Resectable Gastric Cancer. ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY. 2017. 24. 11. 3438-3445
Lectures and oral presentations  (53):
  • 腹膜播種の初期段階における治癒を目指した集学的治療の試み
    (第76回日本臨床外科学会総会 2014)
  • EORTC-QLQ C30、STO22を用いた胃切除後のQOL評価について
    (第44回胃外科・術後障害研究会 2014)
  • 臨床病理学的特徴から検討した食道胃接合部早期癌の至適術式について
    (JDDW2014 第22回日本消化器関連学会週間(第56回日本消化器病学会大会、第88回日本消化器内視鏡学会総会、第18回日本肝臓学会大会、第12回日本消化器外科学会大会) 2014)
  • Intravenous and intraperitoneal paclitaxel administration combined with S-1 against gastric cancer with peritoneal metastasis
    (9th International Congress on Peritoneal Surface Malignancies 2014)
  • 当科における胃癌に対する腹腔鏡下胃切除術の妥当性についての検討
    (第27回日本内視鏡外科学会総会 2014)
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