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J-GLOBAL ID:201601018267648530   Update date: Mar. 09, 2025

Nagamura-Inoue Tokiko

ナガムラ トキコ | Nagamura-Inoue Tokiko
Homepage URL  (1): https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/d/r/70240736.ja.html
Research field  (4): Medical biochemistry ,  Fetal medicine/Pediatrics ,  Hematology and oncology ,  Pharmacology
Research keywords  (11): 組織幹細胞 ,  CD34陽性細胞 ,  BCR-ABL遺伝子 ,  再生医療 ,  臍帯 ,  臍帯血 ,  慢性骨髄性白血病(CML) ,  間葉系細胞 ,  細胞療法 ,  トランスレーショナルリサーチ ,  品質管理
Papers (138):
  • Tomoyasu Jo, Kyoko Yoshihara, Masaki Ri, Nobuhiro Tsukada, Naoya Mimura, Keiko Fujii, Kentaro Fukushima, Shin-ichiro Fujiwara, Yuji Shimura, Kyoko Haraguchi, et al. Low platelet counts and low CD4/CD8 ratios at apheresis increase the risk of CAR-T cell manufacturing failure in myeloma. Blood Neoplasia. 2024. 100051-100051
  • Kazuki Sakatoku, Makoto Murata, Yutaka Shimazu, Naoyuki Uchida, Satoshi Yoshihara, Yasufumi Uehara, Satoshi Takahashi, Hikaru Kobayashi, Haruyuki Tanaka, Nobuaki Nakano, et al. Comparison of haploidentical transplantation and single cord blood transplantation for myelofibrosis. Bone marrow transplantation. 2024. 59. 5. 705-707
  • Seiya Yamayoshi, Etsuko Nagai, Keiko Mitamura, Masao Hagihara, Ryo Kobayashi, Satoshi Takahashi, Akimichi Shibata, Yoshifumi Uwamino, Naoki Hasegawa, Asef Iqbal, et al. Seroprevalence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 N antibodies between December 2021 and march 2023 in Japan. Epidemiology and infection. 2024. 152. e24
  • Mayumi Iwatake, Tokiko Nagamura-Inoue, Ryoichiro Doi, Yukinori Tanoue, Mitsutoshi Ishii, Hiroshi Yukawa, Keitaro Matsumoto, Koichi Tomoshige, Takeshi Nagayasu, Tomoshi Tsuchiya. Designer umbilical cord-stem cells induce alveolar wall regeneration in pulmonary disease models. Frontiers in immunology. 2024. 15. 1384718-1384718
  • Terunobu Iwai, Ryosuke Ikeguchi, Tomoki Aoyama, Takashi Noguchi, Koichi Yoshimoto, Daichi Sakamoto, Kazuaki Fujita, Yudai Miyazaki, Shizuka Akieda, Tokiko Nagamura-Inoue, et al. Nerve regeneration using a Bio 3D conduit derived from umbilical cord-Derived mesenchymal stem cells in a rat sciatic nerve defect model. PloS one. 2024. 19. 12. e0310711
MISC (250):
  • 古賀 道子, 堤 武也, 四柳 宏, 石坂 彩, 千光寺 智恵, 久保田 めぐみ, 石井 久子, 津田 春香, 池内 和彦, 菊地 正, et al. HIV感染者のNAFLD有病率およびHIV/NAFLD患者の腸内細菌叢の検討. 肝臓. 2022. 63. Suppl.1. A401-A401
  • Takeo Mukai, Kenshi Sei, Tokiko Nagamura-Inoue. Mesenchymal stromal cells: cell-based therapies for traumatic central nervous system injuries. Journal of integrative neuroscience. 2022. 21. 2. 44
  • 辻雅弘, 東靖恵, 山本紗輝, 向井丈雄, 田中えみ, COQ J-Olivier, 佐藤義朗, 長村登紀子. 低出生体重による神経発達障害に対する臍帯由来間葉系細胞治療:子宮内低灌流モデルラットでの検討. 日本再生医療学会総会(Web). 2022. 21st
  • Takeo Mukai, Kenshi Sei, Tokiko Nagamura-Inoue. Mesenchymal stromal cells perspective: New potential therapeutic for the treatment of neurological diseases. Pharmaceutics. 2021. 13. 8
  • 岩竹真弓, 長村登紀子, 朝比奈泉, 住田吉慶. 臍帯間葉系幹細胞におけるアクチン細胞骨格の動態変化による新規骨再生治療細胞の開発. 日本再生医療学会総会(Web). 2021. 20th
Patents (2):
Professional career (1):
  • PhD. (東京大学)
Work history (1):
  • 2015 - The University of Tokyo The Institute of Medical Science
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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