Research field (2):
Plant genetics and breeding
, Crop production science
Research keywords (6):
, 遺伝育種
, field
, omics
, abiotic stress
, rice
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2019 - 2022 Study on the model of adaptation to low phosphorus conditions with a tolerant rice cultivar
2007 - 2008 Analysis of tolerance mechanism and gene controlled salt tolerance in rice mutant induced by heavy ion beam
2005 - 2006 塩害水田におけるイネの成育および耐性に関わる遺伝子の同定と生理機構の解明
Papers (23):
Hinako Takehisa, Fuminori Ando, Yohei Takara, Akifumi Ikehata, Yutaka Sato. Transcriptome and hyperspectral profiling allows assessment of phosphorus nutrient status in rice under field conditions. Plant, cell & environment. 2022
Takehisa, H, Sato, Y. Transcriptome-based approaches for clarification of nutritional responses and improvement of crop production. Breeding Science. 2020. 71. 1. 76-88