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J-GLOBAL ID:201601020211127575   Update date: Mar. 05, 2024

Hiroaki Saika

サイカ ヒロアキ | Hiroaki Saika
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Principal Scientist
Homepage URL  (2): http://www.naro.affrc.go.jp/nias/introduction/chart/0302/index.htmlhttp://www.naro.affrc.go.jp/english/nias/index.html
Research field  (1): Plant genetics and breeding
Research keywords  (4): molecular breeding ,  biotechnology ,  transgenesis ,  genome editing
Papers (34):
  • Ritsuko Mizobuchi, Kazuhiko Sugimoto, Seiya Tsushima, Shuichi Fukuoka, Chikako Tsuiki, Masaki Endo, Masafumi Mikami, Hiroaki Saika, Hiroyuki Sato. A MAPKKK gene from rice, RBG1res, confers resistance to Burkholderia glumae through negative regulation of ABA. Scientific Reports. 2023. 13. 1
  • Satoru Sukegawa, Osamu Nureki, Seiichi Toki, Hiroaki Saika. Genome editing in rice mediated by miniature size Cas nuclease SpCas12f. Frontiers in genome editing. 2023. 5. 1138843-1138843
  • Seung-won Choi, Kie Kumaishi, Reiko Motohashi, Harumi Enoki, Wiluk Chacuttayapong, Tadashi Takamizo, Hiroaki Saika, Masaki Endo, Tetsuya Yamada, Aya Hirose, et al. Oxicam-type nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs enhance Agrobacterium-mediated transient transformation in plants. Plant Biotechnology. 2022. 39. 3. 323-327
  • Ayako Nishizawa-Yokoi, Hiroaki Saika, Naho Hara, Lan-Ying Lee, Seiichi Toki, Stanton B Gelvin. Agrobacterium T-DNA integration in somatic cells does not require the activity of DNA polymerase θ. The New phytologist. 2021. 229. 5. 2859-2872
  • Namie Ohtsuki, Keiko Kizawa, Akiko Mori, Ayako Nishizawa-Yokoi, Takao Komatsuda, Hitoshi Yoshida, Katsuyuki Hayakawa, Seiichi Toki, Hiroaki Saika. Precise Genome Editing in miRNA Target Site via Gene Targeting and Subsequent Single-Strand-Annealing-Mediated Excision of the Marker Gene in Plants. Frontiers in genome editing. 2020. 2. 617713-617713
MISC (28):
  • Satoru Sukegawa, Seiichi Toki, Hiroaki Saika. Genome Editing Technology and Its Application to Metabolic Engineering in Rice. Rice (New York, N.Y.). 2022. 15. 1. 21-21
  • Satoru Sukegawa, Hiroaki Saika, Seiichi Toki. Plant genome editing: ever more precise and wide reaching. The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology. 2021. 106. 5. 1208-1218
  • 遠藤真咲, 岩上哲史, 大槻並枝, 木澤恵子, 森明子, 横井彩子, 小松田隆夫, 吉田均, 早川克志, 雑賀啓明, et al. 標的組換えとマーカー遺伝子除去によって目的変異のみを導入できる精密ゲノム編集技術. 農研機構生物機能利用研究部門成果情報(Web). 2020. 2020
  • 遠藤亮, 雑賀啓明, 竹村美保, 三沢典彦, 土岐精一. ゲノム編集を用いたイネカルスへのβカロテン蓄積. 農研機構生物機能利用研究部門成果情報(Web). 2019. 2019
  • 雑賀 啓明, 土岐 精一. イネのゲノム編集-その動向と展望-. 化学と生物. 2017. 55. 10. 676-683
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(農学) (東京大学)
Work history (10):
  • 2023/04 - 現在 National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
  • 2021/04 - 2023/03 National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
  • 2019/10 - 2021/03 National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
  • 2016/04 - 2019/09 National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
  • 2018/05 - 2018/11 ミネソタ大学 客員研究員
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Committee career (1):
  • 2016/04 - 2020/03 日本育種学会 LMO/ABS連絡会委員
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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