J-GLOBAL ID:201601021357138982
Update date: Oct. 18, 2024 Izuo Naotaka
イズオ ナオタカ | Izuo Naotaka
Affiliation and department: Homepage URL (1): https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/d/r/50722261.ja.html Research field (5):
Neuroscience - general
, Pharmacology
, Internal medicine - General
, Laboratory animal science
, Neuroscience - general
Research keywords (24):
, 細胞間コミュニケーション
, Aging
, 中枢神経系
, モデル動物作成
, グリア細胞
, 精神疾患
, Neurodegeneration
, アルツハイマー病
, うつ病
, 統合失調症
, Biomarker
, 神経免疫学
, 頚部リンパ節
, リンパ球
, 薬物依存
, パーキンソン病
, Brain stroke
, Reverse Translational Research
, 生活習慣病
, 2型糖尿病
, インスリン抵抗性
, 神経科学
, 薬理学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11): - 2024 - 2027 Preclinical Study for the Establishment of a Novel Treatment Scheme for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury
- 2024 - 2027 Structural chemistry of intracellular recognition by nucleic acid aptamers and brain barrier permeation strategies for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases
- 2023 - 2027 Structural chemistry of intracellular recognition by nucleic acid aptamers and brain barrier permeation strategies for the treatment of neurodegenerative disease
- 2023 - 2026 頚部リンパ節から脳内浸潤する末梢T細胞のドパミン神経伝達に対する制御機構
- 2022 - 2025 Transport mechanisms of cell-penetrating peptides at the blood-retinal barrier to establish strategies of macromolecular drug delivery
- 2022 - 2025 Impact of parvalbumin neuron dysfunction on behavioral and psychological symptom in Alzheimer's disease.
- 2021 - 2024 Production of a bipolar model mice and clarification of the neuronal mechanism of the manic switch
- 2020 - 2023 International research project on nucleic acid aptamers and their exosome-based application to therapeutics for synucleinopathy
- 2020 - 2023 Roles of activated T lymphocytes and cervical lymph nodes in chronic neurodegeneration in cerebral stroke
- 2016 - 2019 Pathophysiological analyses of brain glucose homeostasis in Alzheimer's disease
- 2015 - 2018 Exacerbating effects of insulin resistance on Alzheimer's disease
Show all
Papers (42): -
Naotaka Izuo, Daiki Ikejima, Kyosuke Uno, Takashi Asano, Shin-Ichi Muramatsu, Atsumi Nitta. Hippocampus-specific knockdown of Shati/Nat8l impairs cognitive function and electrophysiological response in mice. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 2024. 736. 150435-150435
Yuka Kusui, Naotaka Izuo, Reika Tokuhara, Takashi Asano, Atsumi Nitta. Neuronal activation of nucleus accumbens by local methamphetamine administration induces cognitive impairment through microglial inflammation in mice. Journal of pharmacological sciences. 2024. 154. 3. 127-138
Takashi Asano, Hiroki Takemoto, Tomoya Horita, Tomohiro Tokutake, Naotaka Izuo, Takatoshi Mochizuki, Atsumi Nitta. Sleep disturbance after cessation of cannabis administration in mice. Neuropsychopharmacology reports. 2023. 43. 4. 505-512
Naotaka Izuo, Nobuhiro Watanabe, Yoshihiro Noda, Takashi Saito, Takaomi C Saido, Koutaro Yokote, Harumi Hotta, Takahiko Shimizu. Insulin resistance induces earlier initiation of cognitive dysfunction mediated by cholinergic deregulation in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Aging cell. 2023. 22. 11. e13994
Hajime Miyanishi, Shiori Suga, Kazuyuki Sumi, Miho Takakuwa, Naotaka Izuo, Takashi Asano, Shin-Ichi Muramatsu, Atsumi Nitta. The Role of GABA in the Dorsal Striatum-Raphe Nucleus Circuit Regulating Stress Vulnerability in Male Mice with High Levels of Shati/Nat8l. eNeuro. 2023. 10. 10
more... MISC (13): -
Tomohiro Tokutake, Takashi Asano, Naotaka Izuo, Atsumi Nitta. CB1 receptors in the mice prefrontal cortex regulate spatial cognitive function. 33rd World Congress of The International College of Neuropsychopharmacology (CINP2022), Taipei, Taiwan. 2022
Yuka Kusui, Naotaka Izuo, Reika Tokuhara, Atsumi Nitta. The cognitive impairement and the activation of hippocampal microglia induced by the methamphetamine-mediated excessive dopamine in the nucleus accumbens of mice. 33rd World Congress of The International College of Neuropsychopharmacology (CINP2022), Taipei, Taiwan. 2022
Naotaka Izuo, Akira Takahashi, Yuri Hirayama, Yuri Matsuo, Atsumi Nitta. Removal of cervical lymph nodes suppresses motor dysfunction in mice with cerebral ischemic stroke. 33rd World Congress of The International College of Neuropsychopharmacology (CINP2022), Taipei, Taiwan. 2022
高村雄策, 泉尾直孝, 久米利明, 入江一浩, 小松生明. 次世代型ADモデルAppNL-P-F/NL-P-F KIマウスにおける心理行動異常と脳内変動. 日本生理学雑誌(Web). 2022. 84. 1
Kakeru Chino, Naotaka Izuo, Tomoharu Kuboyama, Chihiro Tohda, Shinichi Muramatsu, Nitta Atsumi. Effects of Shati/Nat8l overexpression on recovery of cognitive dysfunction in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. 7th Congress of Asian College of Neuropsychopharmacology (AsCNP2021), Singapore. 2021
more... Patents (2): -
Lectures and oral presentations (8): -
(第7回 学術変革領域研究(B) メタアグリゲート 外部セミナー 2024)
(栴檀賞 選考シンポジウム)持続的な高血糖状態とは無関係に、インスリン抵抗性はアルツハイマー病モデルマウスの 認知機能低下を早期発症させる
(生体機能と創薬シンポジウム2024 2024)
中枢神経疾患における 末梢免疫細胞の役割とその制御
(第97回 日本薬理学会年会 2023)
(国立長寿医療研究センター GSRC seminar 2023)
(学術奨励賞 受賞講演)覚醒剤依存関連分子に着目した認知情動調節機構の解明とその制御
(日本薬学会 北陸支部会 2023)
more... Education (3): - 2010 - 2013 Kyoto University Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- 2008 - 2010 Kyoto University Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Division of Pharmacy and Biomedicinal Sciences
- 2004 - 2008 Kyoto University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Work history (9): - 2024/02 - 現在 The University of Tokyo Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology
- 2021 - 2024/03 東京都医学総合研究所 精神行動医学研究分野・依存性物質プロジェクト 協力研究員
- 2019/10 - 2024/01 University of Toyama Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences for Research
- 2019/06 - 2020/01 La Trobe University, La Trobe Institute of Molecular Science, Honorary Research Fellow
- 2019/04 - 2020/01 The Uehara Memorial Foundation, Postdoctoral Fellow
- 2018/10 - 2019/12 University of Melbourne, Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Visiting Research Fellow
- 2018/04 - 2019/03 東京都健康長寿医療センター研究所 老化脳神経科学研究チーム 協力研究員
- 2016/04 - 2019/03 Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine
- 2013/04 - 2016/03 Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine
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Committee career (3): - 2021 - 現在 日本薬理学会 学術評議員
- 2020 - 現在 国際神経精神薬理学会 (CINP) Fellow
- 2017/03 - 現在 日本薬学会 薬理系薬学部会 若手世話人
Awards (5): - 2024/08 - 日本薬学会 薬理系薬学部会 栴檀賞
- 2023/11 - 日本薬学会北陸支部 学術奨励賞
- 2017/06 - 日本老年医学会 優秀発表賞
- 2015/06 - 日本基礎老化学会 若手奨励賞
- 2012/09 - 日本薬学会 薬理系薬学部会 次世代を担う創薬・医療薬理シンポジウム 2012 優秀発表賞
Association Membership(s) (8):
, 国際エクソソーム学会
, 日本神経精神薬理学会
, 国際神経精神薬理学会
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