J-GLOBAL ID:201701001068152981
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024 Ogawa Hayato
オガワ ハヤト | Ogawa Hayato
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Electrical power engineering
Research keywords (3):
, Programming language
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 2016 - 2020 Development and practice of inclusive design training program to create local area
- 2011 - 2013 Development of electric vehicles for globalized technical education - Collaborative learning with engineering and English -
Papers (3): -
NAOE Nobuyuki, OGAWA Hayato. Implementing System Design in the Electrical Engineering Curriculum. International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2016 (ICEE2016). 2016. 90146
OGAWA HAYATO, OGUNTOYINBO BOLAJI, TOCHI KUNIO. Electric Vehicle Project Post Implementation. Proceedings. 2013. 13. 79-83
OGAWA HAYATO, OGUNTOYINBO BOLAJI, TOCHI KUNIO, NAOE NOBUYUKI. Development of an Electric Vehicle Control System Curriculum for High Schools. Creative Engineering Design Education. 2012. 12. 71-74
MISC (11): -
MATSUSHITA OMIHITO, ITOU MEGURU, INOUE KEISUKE, ISE TAISEI, OGAWA HAYATO, KODAKA ARIHIRO, Robert Songer, YAMAZAKI SHUNTAROU. Designing Engineering Design Education at International College of Technology, Kanazawa. Memoirs of KTC 2016, Creative Engineering Design Education. 2017. 17. 1. 35-36
OGAWA Hayato. Designing Engineering Design Education at International College of Technology, Kanazawa. Memoirs of KTC 2016. 2017. 17. 1
OGAWA Hayato. Learning Express Partner Facilitators Training Report. Memoirs of KTC 2015. 2016. 16. 1. 36
OGAWA Hayato. Electrical Vehicle Project Post Implementation 2013. Memoirs of KTC 2013. 2014. 14. 1
TOCHI KUNIO, SHIMAKURA RYO, OGINO YUKI, DAIMON YUKI, OGAWA HAYATO, OGUNTOYINBO BOLAJI, MATSUMOTO YUTAKA, NAOE NOBUYUKI. Fabrication of Electric Vehicles for Education to Learn the coordinate of the motor control. 2014. 14. 1. 59-63
more... Patents (2): -
Japanese Only
Japanese only
Education (2): - 2012 - 2014 University of Wisconsin-Madison Master of Engineering in Technical Japanese
- Rochester Institute of Technology
Professional career (1): Return to Previous Page