Ryutaro Goto, Matteo Garzia, P Graham Oliver, Gustav Paulay, Daniele Salvi. A symbiotic oyster in a shrimp burrow: phylogenetic position of Anomiostrea within the Ostreidae (Bivalvia). Journal of Molluscan Studies. 2024. 90. 4
Teal A. Harrison, Ryutaro Goto, Jingchun Li, Diarmaid Ó Foighil. Within-host adaptive speciation of commensal yoyo clams leads to ecological exclusion, not co-existence. PeerJ. 2024. 12. e17753-e17753
Genki Kobayashi, Ryutaro Goto. Worms that repair: reconstruction of tubes is faster than normal growth in Spirobranchus akitsushima (Annelida: Serpulidae). Marine Biology Research. 2024
Ryutaro Goto, Taigi Sato, Hiroki Nakajima, Takahiro Sugiyama, Hiroshi Ishikawa. Latitudinal shift of the associated hosts in Sagamiscintilla thalassemicola (Galeommatoidea: Galeommatidae), a rare ectosymbiotic bivalve that lives on the proboscis of echiuran worms. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 2023. 103
杉山高大, 加山基, 宮下英明, 石川牧子, 朝倉彰, 後藤龍太郎. Acquisition of cryptic body coloration in a parasitic polychaete: does it steal pigments from its host?. 日本生態学会大会講演要旨(Web). 2021. 68th
An undescribed species of the genus Leucothoe Leach, 1814 (Amphipoda: Leucothoidae) associated with a bivalve collected from Sugashima, Mie Prefecture
Living Inside Snapping Shrimp Burrows: Diversity and Phylogenetic Positions of Bivalves Commensal with Alpheid Shrimps in the Family Galeommatidae
(mollusc2024, Australia 2024)
Diving into the shrimp hole: the hidden diversity and evolution of commensal galeommatid bivalves dwelling in snapping shrimp burrows
(The 5th Asian Marine Biology Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand, 2024 2024)