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J-GLOBAL ID:201701004582951604   Update date: May. 21, 2024

Yamazaki Chiho

ヤマザキ チホ | Yamazaki Chiho
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Assistant Professor
Research field  (3): Hygiene and public health (non-laboratory) ,  Hygiene and public health (laboratory) ,  Healthcare management, medical sociology
Research keywords  (10): セレン ,  がん ,  微量元素 ,  予防医学 ,  Social determinants of health (SDH) ,  cancer ,  抗酸化物質 ,  women's health ,  Indonesia ,  selenium
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (2):
  • 2008 - Analyzing functions of selenium in neuronal cells
  • 2008 - Effects of Selenium on human health
Papers (65):
  • Lukman Hilfi, Chiho Yamazaki, Deni K Sunjaya, Ardini S Raksanagara, Sekar Ayu Paramita, Nur Atik, Mitsuo Uchida, Hiroshi Koyama, Kei Hamazaki. Predictors of quality of life of persons with physical disabilities in Indonesia. Disability, CBR & Inclusive Development. 2024. 34. 3. 62-85
  • Ayaka Takahashi, Chiho Yamazaki, Hiromi Onbe, Kei Hamazaki. Actual conditions and perceptions of foreign residents' access to information: A qualitative analysis of the interview on information about the COVID-19 vaccine. The Kitakanto Medical Journal. 2023. 73. 1. 69-79
  • 亀尾 聡美, 星野 泰栄, 原田 暢善, 近藤 泰之, 山崎 千穂, 関 妙子, 井上 顕, 小山 洋. 医療従事者における血漿中亜鉛濃度と疲労指標との関連. Biomedical Research on Trace Elements. 2022. 33. 1. 146-146
  • Dadan Mulyana Kosasih, Sony Adam, Mitsuo Uchida, Chiho Yamazaki, Hiroshi Koyama, Kei Hamazaki. Determinant factors behind changes in health-seeking behaviour before and after implementation of universal health coverage in Indonesia. BMC Public Health. 2022. 22. 1. 952
  • Dadan Mulyana Kosasih, Sony Adam, Mitsuo Uchida, Chiho Yamazaki, Hiroshi Koyama, Kei Hamazaki. Determinant factors behind changes in health-seeking behaviour before and after implementation of universal health coverage in Indonesia. BMC public health. 2022. 22. 1. 952-952
MISC (16):
Lectures and oral presentations  (59):
  • インドネシア僻地における女性の健康向上プロジェクトの効果測定
    (グローバルヘルス合同大会2023 2023)
  • 一次医療機関における多言語音声翻訳機の有用性の検証
    (日本国際保健医療学会第37回東日本地方会 2023)
  • 医療従事者における血漿中亜鉛濃度と疲労指標との関連
    (第33回日本微量元素学会総会 2022)
  • 看護職員・介護職員における疲労度と血漿中微量元素および肝機能との関連
    (第95回日本産業衛生学会 2022)
  • 医療従事者の夜間勤務における血漿中微量ミネラルと疲労指標との関連
    (第92回日本衛生学会学術総会 2022)
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(医学) (群馬大学)
Association Membership(s) (3):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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