Research field (1):
Sensitivity (kansei) informatics
Research keywords (2):
, 動画像処理
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2019 - 2023 Development of a sticker visualizing exercise speed for the sports leader
Papers (6):
Koki Otaka, Kouta Kaneko, Atsushi Osa. Image generation method for predicting the appearance of rotating figures. Proc. SPIE 13164 International Workshop on Advanced Imaging Technology (IWAIT) 2024. 2024
Kouta Kaneko, Koki Otaka, Atsushi Osa. A Computer Simulation Method for the Motion Sharpening Phenomenon in Human Vision System. Proceedings of IWAIT2022. 2022. 12177
岐美 宗, 岩切 裕哉, 田上 敦士, 大高 洸輝, 鈴木 理沙, 永岩 健一郎, 澤田 大吾. オープンスクール公開授業の企画・実践による高専学生と中学生のアクティブラーニングの共同効果とその課題-Planning and Practice of the Extension Lecture in the College's Open Day for new students : The Effect of Active-Learning by a College Student and a Junior High School Student. 広島商船高等専門学校紀要 The bulletin Hiroshima National College of Maritime Technology / 広島商船高等専門学校 編. 2016. 38. 31-39