J-GLOBAL ID:201701008706986970
Update date: Sep. 28, 2022
Kudo Koichiro
Kudo Koichiro
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Papers (65):
Koichiro Kudo, Toshie Manabe, Shinyu Izumi, Jin Takasaki, Yuji Fujikura, Akihiko Kawana, Kenji Yamamoto. Markers of Disease Severity in Patients with Spanish Influenza in the Japanese Armed Forces, 1919-1920. EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES. 2017. 23. 4. 662-664
Toshie Manabe, Katsuyoshi Mizukami, Hiroyasu Akatsu, Shinji Teramoto, Kazue Yamaoka, Seiji Nakamura, Takayoshi Ohkubo, Koichiro Kudo, Nobuyuki Hizawa. Influence of pneumonia complications on the prognosis of patients with autopsy-confirmed Alzheimer's disease, dementia with Lewy bodies, and vascular dementia. PSYCHOGERIATRICS. 2016. 16. 5. 305-314
Toshie Manabe, Kazue Yamaoka, Toshiro Tango, Nguyen Gia Binh, Dao Xuan Co, Nguyen Dang Tuan, Shinyu Izumi, Jin Takasaki, Ngo Quy Chau, Koichiro Kudo. Chronological, geographical, and seasonal trends of human cases of avian influenza A (H5N1) in Vietnam, 2003-2014: a spatial analysis. BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES. 2016. 16. 64
Toshie Manabe, Katsuyoshi Mizukami, Hiroyasu Akatsu, Yoshio Hashizume, Shinji Teramoto, Seiji Nakamura, Koichiro Kudo, Nobuyuki Hizawa. Prognostic Factors Related to Dementia with Lewy Bodies Complicated with Pneumonia: An Autopsy Study. INTERNAL MEDICINE. 2016. 55. 19. 2771-2776
Nguyen Gia Binh, Toshie Manabe, Dao Xuan Co, Nguyen Dang Tuan, Pham The Thach, Koichiro Kudo. Polymyxin-B-immobilized-fiber column hemoperfusion with oseltamivir treatment for ARDS due to influenza H1N1/09. Respirology Case Reports. 2015. 3. 2. 57-60
MISC (10):
高峰 遥, 小幡 賢一, 武田 育子, 本間 裕一郎, 藤川 貴浩, 糸魚川 幸成, 工藤 宏一郎. 急速に進展し脊髄浸潤をきたした胸壁浸潤型肺腺癌の1例. 日本内科学会関東地方会. 2016. 627回. 30-30
間辺 利江, 寺本 信嗣, 工藤 宏一郎, 赤津 裕康. 神経病理的に診断された認知症患者の肺炎合併の実態と予後の検討. 感染症学雑誌. 2016. 90. 3. 402-402
間辺 利江, 水上 勝義, 赤津 裕康, 寺本 信嗣, 中村 誠司, 大久保 孝義, 工藤 宏一郎, 檜澤 伸之. 病理診断による認知症患者の肺炎死亡のリスク因子の検討. 日本老年医学会雑誌. 2016. 53. Suppl. 143-144
福田 憲太郎, 小幡 賢一, 武田 育子, 宮崎 健二, 藤川 貴浩, 糸魚川 幸成, 工藤 宏一郎, 田村 尚亮. 胸郭出口症候群を伴った肺梗塞の1例. 日本内科学会関東地方会. 2016. 622回. 48-48
間辺 利江, 寺本 信嗣, 工藤 宏一郎, 檜澤 伸之. 誤嚥性肺炎の定義と診断の検討 A Systematic Review. 日本呼吸器学会誌. 2016. 5. 増刊. 268-268
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