J-GLOBAL ID:201701010607124350
Update date: Oct. 21, 2024 Hirano Yuki
Hirano Yuki
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3): - 2019 - 2023 連接層の導来圏への基本群作用と安定性条件の空間の研究
- 2017 - 2019 Study of higher matrix factorizations categories
- 2014 - 2017 行列因子化の理論を応用した多様体の導来圏の研究
Papers (9): -
Yuki Hirano, Wahei Hara. Mutations of noncommutative crepant resolutions in geometric invariant theory. Selecta Mathematica. 2024. 30. 4
Yuki Hirano, Michael Wemyss. Stability conditions for 3-fold flops. Duke Mathematical Journal. 2023. 172. 16. 3105-3173
Yuki Hirano, Genki Ouchi. Derived factorization categories of non-Thom-Sebastiani-type sums of potentials. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. 2022. 126. 1. 1-75
Yuki Hirano, Genki Ouchi. Prime thick subcategories on elliptic curves. Pacific Journal of Mathematics. 2022. 318. 1. 69-88
Yuki Hirano. Equivariant tilting modules, Pfaffian varieties and noncommutative matrix factorizations. SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry. Methods and Applications. 2021. 17
more... Lectures and oral presentations (12): -
Full strong exceptional collections for invertible polynomials of chain type
Stability conditions for 3-fold flops
(Tiliting Theory, Singularity Categories, & Noncommutative Resolutions 2019)
Derived factorization categories of non-Thom--Sebastiani-type sum of potentials
(Interaction between Algebraic Geometry and QFT 2019)
Derived factorization categories of non-Thom--Sebastiani-type sum of potentials
(Categorical and Analytic Invariants in Algebraic Geometry VI 2018)
Derived factorization categories of non-Thom--Sebastiani-type sum of potentials
(Matrix Factorization and Mirror Symmetry 2018)
more... Awards (1): - 2024/09 - 日本数学会 日本数学会賞建部賢弘特別賞 連接層の導来圏と関連する三角圏の研究
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