Hayashi Makoto, Hosoda Yuri, Morimoto Ikuyo. Tte Yuu Ka as a Repair Preface in Japanese. RESEARCH ON LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL INTERACTION. 2019. 52. 2. 104-123
Enfield N. J, Stivers Tanya, Brown Penelope, Englert Christina, Harjunpaa Katariina, Hayashi Makoto, Heinemann Trine, Hoymann Gertie, Keisanen Tiina, Rauniomaa Mirka, et al. Polar answers. JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS. 2019. 55. 2. 277-304
林 誠. 会話分析と多言語比較. 会話分析の広がり. 2018. 223-252
Makoto Hayashi, Kaoru Hayano. A-prefaced responses to inquiry in Japanese. Between Turn and Sequence: Turn- Initial Particles Across Languages. 2018. 191-224
Hayashi Makoto. Dwelling, Construing, and Accidental Features. CO-OPERATIVE ENGAGEMENTS IN INTERTWINED SEMIOSIS: ESSAYS IN HONOUR OF CHARLES GOODWIN. 2018. 19. 160-163
Makoto Hayashi, Kaoru Hayano. A-prefaced responses to inquiry in Japanese. Between Turn and Sequence: Turn- Initial Particles Across Languages. 2018. 191-224
Hayashi Makoto. Dwelling, Construing, and Accidental Features. CO-OPERATIVE ENGAGEMENTS IN INTERTWINED SEMIOSIS: ESSAYS IN HONOUR OF CHARLES GOODWIN. 2018. 19. 160-163
Conversational Repair and Human Understanding
Cambridge University Press 2013
Joint Utterance Construction in Japanese Conversation
John Benjamins Publishing Company 2003
Lectures and oral presentations (6):
(日本語用論学会第19回大会 2016)
Conversation Analysis and cross-linguistic/cross-cultural comparison
Discussing Conversation Analysis: A case study on other-initiated repair in Japanese
(University of Illinois Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies Brown Bag Lecture Series 2015)
2016/04/01 - 2017/03/31 Nagoya University Graduate School of Languages and Cultures Department of Japanese Language and Culture Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language Associate professor
2006/08/16 - 2016/03/31 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures Associate Professor
2000/08/16 - 2006/08/15 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures Assistant Professor
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Association Membership(s) (3):
International Pragmatics Association
, International Society for Conversation Analysis
, 社会言語科学会