J-GLOBAL ID:201701012955450778
Update date: Jan. 12, 2025 Ohkubo Kei
オオクボ ケイ | Ohkubo Kei
Affiliation and department: Other affiliations (1): Homepage URL (1): https://www.irdd.osaka-u.ac.jp/ohkubo/ Research field (1):
Structural/physical organic chemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds (16): - 2020 - 2023 炭素繊維強化熱可塑性プラスチックの表面化学酸化による接着特性の向上
- 2020 - 2022 Development of Hybrid Photocatalytic Systems for Fluorine Functionalization
- 2016 - 2021 Fine controlf of Multi-Electron Transfer of Ground and Excited States of Metal-Oxygen Complexes
- 2018 - 2020 Development of Hybrid Photocatalytic Reaction Systems for Aerobic Oxygenation of Hydrocarbons
- 2017 - 2020 Development of the highly difficult oxidation reaction with chlorine dioxide
- 2016 - 2018 Oxygenation of methane into methanol with organocobalt complexes under ambient conditions
- 2015 - 2018 Ordered Arrangement and Function of Supramolecular Complexes Composed of Self-Assembling Porphyrins and Fullerenes
- 2014 - 2017 Development of near-IR responsible photoelectric systems using lithium encapsulated fullerene supramolecules
- 2014 - 2016 Development of Catalytic Hydrogen Evolution Systems Using Organic Nanoparticles
- 2012 - 2016 Nanoparticles stratification for heterogeneous catalytic applications
- 2011 - 2012 Development of photocatalytic aromatic substitution reactions by electron-transfer oxidation of benzene
- 2009 - 2009 フラビン誘導体の長寿命電荷分離状態の生成とデバイスへの応用
- 2007 - 2008 Unification of Light Harvesting and Charge Separation Units and Innovative Applications
- 2007 - 2008 Clarification of Mechanisms on DNA Damage by Electron-Transfer Reduction and Radical Species
- 2005 - 2006 超長寿命・高エネルギー電荷分離状態を利用した有機光触媒反応システムの開発
- 2001 - 2003 補酵素類縁体の電子移動反応制御とその応用
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Papers (516): -
Yuki Itabashi, Shuto Ogata, Yusuke Shimada, Minato Kondo, Nagatoshi Nishiwaki, Tsuyoshi Inoue, Haruyasu Asahara, Kei Ohkubo. Tetrabutylammonium Chlorite as an Efficient Oxidant for Controlled Oxidation of Sulfides to Sulfoxides. Chemistry - A European Journal. 2025
Kei Ohkubo. Visible-Light Induced C-H Oxygenation of Hydrocarbons Using Chlorine Dioxide as a Photoredox Catalyst. ECS Meeting Abstracts. 2024
Wakana Shimizu, Yoshimi Shoji, Kei Ohkubo, Hiromu Ito, Ikuo Nakanishi, Kiyoshi Fukuhara. Antioxidant Activity of Planar Catechin Conjugated with Trolox. 2024
Ryota Mori, Masami Abe, Yuma Saimoto, Saki Shinto, Sara Jodai, Manami Tomomatsu, Kaho Tazoe, Minato Ishida, Masataka Enoki, Nao Kato, et al. Construction of a screening system for lipid-derived radical inhibitors and validation of hit compounds to target retinal and cerebrovascular diseases. Redox Biology. 2024. 103186-103186
Yoshimi Shoji, Yuri Terashima, Kei Ohkubo, Hiromu Ito, Kouichi Maruyama, Shunichi Fukuzumi, Ikuo Nakanishi. Scandium Ion-Promoted Electron-Transfer Disproportionation of 2-Phenyl-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl 3-Oxide (PTIO•) in Acetonitrile and Its Regeneration Induced by Water. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024. 25. 8. 4417-4417
more... MISC (47): -
山次健三, 高橋和希, 加藤洋人, 山下雄史, 安藝翔, 巽俊文, 金子雄大, 川村猛, 三浦麻衣, 石井正純, et al. Antibody-Mimetic Drug Conjugate: AMDC comprised of modified streptavidin and bisiminobiotin, and its use in near-infrared phototherapy. メディシナルケミストリーシンポジウム講演要旨集. 2022. 39th (CD-ROM)
Ikuo Nakanishi, Yoshimi Shoji, Kei Ohkubo, Toshihiko Ozawa, Ken-ichiro Matsumoto. Kinetic Isotope Effect in the Reaction of Water Soluble Antioxidants with Water-Solubilized 2,2Diphenyl-l-picrylhydrazyl Radical in Aqueous Buffer Solutions. FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. 2019. 145. S34-S34
Ikuo Nakanishi, Kei Ohkubo, Megumi Ueno, Emiko Sekine-Suzuki, Toshihiko Ozawa, Ken-ichiro Matsumoto. Reaction of glutathione and bio-related thiols with 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical solubilized by beta-cyclodextrin in water. FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. 2018. 120. S94-S94
- 中西郁夫, 大久保敬, 大久保敬, 今井耕平, 上林將人, 吉橋泰生, 松本謙一郎, 福原潔, 寺田勝英, 伊東忍, et al. シクロデキストリンで水溶化したDPPHラジカルを用いた水溶性抗酸化物質の速度論的活性評価. 日本酸化ストレス学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集. 2015. 68th. 103
- 中西郁夫, 大久保敬, 大久保敬, 今井耕平, 小川幸大, 小川幸大, 上林將人, 吉橋泰生, 福原潔, 寺田勝英, et al. シクロデキストリンおよびその誘導体を用いたDPPHラジカルの水溶化. 日本酸化ストレス学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集. 2015. 68th. 148
more... Professional career (1): Awards (11): - 2024/04 - 文部科学省 令和6年度 科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 科学技術賞 二酸化塩素によるメタン酸化の反応開発と応用化に関する研究
- 2019/06 - International Association of Advanced Materials IAAM Award Lecture Supramolecular electron-transfer chemistry of lithium ion encapsulated fullerene with porphyrinoids
- 2018/09 - The Japanese Photochemistry Association The Japanese Photochemistry Association Award Light-driven Oxygenation of Hydrocarbons Using Molecular Oxygen as an Oxidant
- 2013/09 - 基礎有機化学会 野副記念奨励賞 電子ドナー・アクセプター連結系分子の長寿命電荷分離状態を用いた新規光触媒反応の開発
- 2013/09 - フラーレン・ナノチューブ・グラフェン学会 大澤賞
- 2013/06 - 有機電子移動化学研究会 有機電子移動化学奨励賞
- 2008/10 - The Asian and Oceanian Photochemistry Association APA Prize for Young Scientist
- 2008/07 - Society of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines SPP-JPP Young Investigator Award in Porphyrin Chemistry
- 2008/03 - 日本化学会 日本化学会進歩賞
- 2007/04 - 日本化学会・日本化学会欧文誌編集委員会 BCSJ Award Article
- 2005/09 - 光化学協会 光化学協会奨励賞
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Association Membership(s) (6):
, 有機電子移動化学研究会
, フラーレン・ナノチューブ・グラフェン学会
, Society of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines
, 光化学協会
, 日本化学会
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