2016 - 2023 Evaluation and Mitigation of Seismic Risk for Composite Masonry Buildings in Bhutan
2020 - 2021 Implementing an MR earthquake experience using a spatial recognition technology
2018 - 2021 Development of sound drawing methods using mixed reality
2017 - 2020 Development of EEG electrodes, headset, and analytical methods for artistic expressions
2016 - 2018 Creating a Shared Space Using a Music Creation Software for Tablet Devices
2015 - 2018 In the resonance-loop: Musical field and its formation
2013 - 2014 A form of new cognition by intersection of auditory rhythm and visual rhythm
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Papers (44):
Ayaka Tamura, Masaya Furukawa, Sonam Tshewang, Ryu Nakagawa. SVR-4 ver.2 -- An Educational VR content for rammed earth house builders in Bhutan --. ITE Tech. Rep. 2024. vol. 48. no.8. 97-100
Ryu Nakagawa, Masaya Furukawa, Ayano Yamanaka, Maika Yamamoto. Meta Musicking: A Playground for Exploring Alternative Realities with Others in the XR Age. SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 Posters. 2023. Article 26. 1-2
Ken Sonobe, Masaya Furukawa, Ayaka Yamanaka, Hidefumi Ohmura, Takuro Shibayama, Ryu Nakagawa. Meta Flowers: An Analogy of Life in the XR Era. SIGGRAPH '22: ACM SIGGRAPH 2022 Immersive Pavilion. 2022. Article No.: 12. 1-2
Atom Kataoka, Ryu Nakagawa. Possibilities for Dynamic Preservation and Experience of Retired Railcars in a Metaverse. ITE Tech. Rep. 2022. vol. 46. no. 10. 253-256
Natsuki Ito, Ryu Nakagawa. A VRChat world where a virtual player blends in. ITE Tech. Rep. 2022. vol. 46. no. 10. 261-264
【口頭発表】SVR-1 (Beta Version): An Educational VR Experience for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation in Bhutan
(Building Seismic Resilience in Bhutan using Science and Technology 2019)
2021/03 - 映像表現・芸術科学フォーラム 2021 優秀発表賞(ポスター発表) Around the Mysterious Structure
2021/03 - 映像表現・芸術科学フォーラム 2021 優秀発表賞(ポスター発表) NakagawaLab Virtual Seminar Room, Nagoya City University School of Design and Architecture ~ As a New Form of Open House, Website, or Communication Space with Social VR ~
2021/03 - 映像表現・芸術科学フォーラム 2021 優秀発表賞(ポスター発表) Things and Mirrors ~ An installation art experience with a standalone VR ~
2020/12 - 2020 Asia Digital Art Award FUKUOKA Finalists' Awards
2020/08 - VRAA02(Virtual Reality Architecture Award 02) 佳作
2019/08 - VRクリエイティブアワード 2019 ファイナリスト
2018/03 - 映像表現・芸術科学フォーラム CG-ARTS人材育成パートナー企業賞
2018/03 - 映像表現・芸術科学フォーラム 優秀発表賞
2018/01 - Laval Virtual ReVolution 2018 入選(Weekend)
2006/04 - 高橋芸友会賞
2004/03 - サロン・ド・プランタン賞
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Association Membership(s) (3):
Association for Computing Machinery
, The Society for Art and Science
, The Virtual Reality Society of Japan