Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
2022 - 2025 Visualization of Curd Formation Behavior in Cheese Production Process
2020 - 2023 Nanostructure and property of fresh cheese (curd)
2018 - 2019 寒天ミクロゲルを応用した低脂肪マヨネーズの開発
2017 - 2018 多糖類ミクロゲルを応用した低脂肪食品の開発
2013 - 2016 Study on the solvent transportation behavior from mechanically constrained agarose gels
2007 - 2010 Structure Formation and Molecular Motion of Temperature-Responsive Telechelic Associating Polymers
2006 - 2010 Molecular Mechanism of Sol -Gel Transformation
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Papers (64):
Sasara Kaneko, Takashi Tochihara, Isamu Kaneda. Evaluation of milk-clotting activity of kiwifruit juice by rheological method. Journal of Biorheology. 2024. 38. 1. 28-30
Isamu Kaneda, Sasara Kaneko, Takashi Tochihara, Masato Ohnuma. Effect of Homogenization Treatment of Raw Milk on the Rheological Properties of Gouda Type Cheese during the Ripening Period. Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi. 2023. 51. 2. 55-63
Soshin Ishikawa, Youhei Kawabata, Isamu Kaneda. Change in foam characterictics due to heat treatment during meringue preparation. Jornal of Rakuno Gakuen University. 2023. 48. 1. 58-63
Isamu Kaneda. Edible microgel as a texture modifier. Food Science and Technology Resrach. 2021. 27. 5. 687-693
The Effect of Amylose Contents on the Rheological Properties of Rice Flour Pastes. 2020. 48. 3. 169-175
Isamu Kaneda. Effect of shearing conditions in the pasting process on the rheological properties of starch paste. Cellulose Communications. 2021. 28. 4. 156-159