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J-GLOBAL ID:201801000239334090   Update date: Dec. 15, 2024

Matusmoto Tae

マツモト タエ | Matusmoto Tae
Affiliation and department:
Job title: professor
Other affiliations (1):
  • Nippon Medical School  Department of Gene Therapy 
Research field  (1): Fetal medicine/Pediatrics
Research keywords  (4): hypophosphatasia ,  gene therapy ,  包括的性教育 ,  小児医療
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • 2023 - 2026 Development of a Novel Gene Therapy for Hypophosphatasia
  • 2020 - 2021 Development of gene therapy for hypophosphatasia
  • 2015 - 2019 The gene therapy for hypophosphatasia animal model
Papers (18):
  • 松本多絵. 病院におけるSOGI配慮の推進-管理者との対話から始めた実践報告-. 日本GI学会雑誌. 2025. 17. accepted for printing
  • 松本 多絵, 趙 東威, 三宅 紀子, 成澤 園子, ミヤン・ホセ, 三宅 弘一. 低ホスファターゼ症に対する新規治療薬(遺伝子治療薬:ARU-2801)の有効性と安全性の検討. 日本小児科学会雑誌. 2024. 128. 2. 272-272
  • Tae Matsumoto, Takeshi Yanagihara, Kaoru Yoshizaki, Masami Tsuchiya, Mika Terasaki, Kiyotaka Nagahama, Akira Shimizu, Shinji Kunishima, Miho Maeda. Renal Biopsy-induced Hematoma and Infection in a Patient with Asymptomatic May-Hegglin Anomaly. Journal of Nippon Medical School. 2021. 88. 6. 579-584
  • Tae Matsumoto, Koichi Miyake, Noriko Miyake, Osamu Iijima, Kumi Adachi, Sonoko Narisawa, José Luis Millán, Hideo Orimo, Takashi Shimada. Treatment with bone maturation and average lifespan of HPP model mice by AAV8-mediated neonatal gene therapy via single muscle injection. Molecular Therapy Methods and Clinical Development. 2021. 12. 22. 330-337
  • Makoto Migita, Sakae Kumasaka, Tae Matsumoto, Hanako Tajima, Takahiro Ueda, Atsuyuki Yamataka. Cholelithiasis in a Patient with Type 2 Gaucher Disease. JOURNAL OF NIPPON MEDICAL SCHOOL. 2014. 81. 1. 40-42
MISC (34):
  • Tae Matsumoto, Sonoko Narisawa, José Luis Millán, Koichi Miyake. Gene Therapy for Hypophosphatasia: Current Management and Future. Genetically Modified Organisms [Working Title]. 2024
  • 松本 多絵. 【遺伝子治療update:日本医科大学の遺伝子治療研究】低ホスファターゼ症モデルマウスにおける遺伝子治療 臨床応用にむけて. 日本医科大学医学会雑誌. 2023. 19. 3. 229-234
  • 永井 博之, 峯 牧子, 松本 多絵, 赤尾 見春, 山西 愼吾, 早川 潤, 右田 真. インフリキシマブ被投与母体児7例の薬剤血中濃度と生ワクチン接種時期の検討. 日本小児科学会雑誌. 2020. 124. 2. 287-287
  • 松本 多絵. 【外国人の子どもの診療〜いまからでも間に合う!〜】受付・待合室で心に留めておくこと. チャイルド ヘルス. 2019. 22. 12. 886-890
  • 松本 多絵. 【外国人の子どもの診療〜いまからでも間に合う!〜】診察室の中で気をつけること. チャイルド ヘルス. 2019. 22. 12. 892-895
Books (1):
  • The Art of Travel and Global Health
    2017 ISBN:4525233818
Lectures and oral presentations  (60):
  • A case of a 7-year-old boy with suspected MIS-C who presented with Kawasaki disease symptoms on the 12th day of illness with fever, chest pain, diarrhea, and impaired consciousness
    (The 44th Annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Kawasaki Disease 2024)
  • 多様性を尊重する医療現場へ~SOGI理解の重要性と今後の対策~
    (第92回日本医科大学医学会総会 2024)
  • Safety test of gene therapy drug for hypophosphatasia using non-human primates
    (Japan Society of Gene and Cell Therapy 2024)
  • Clinical features of low serum alkaline phosphatase activity:a retrospective study.
  • 低ホスファターゼ症に対する新規治療薬(遺伝子治療薬:ARU-2801)の有効性と安全性の検討
    (第127回日本小児科学会学術集会 2024)
Education (1):
  • 1993 - 1999 Nippon Medical School Medical School
Professional career (1):
  • M.D., PhD. (Nippon Medical School Graduate School)
Work history (2):
  • 2024/04 - 現在 Nippon Medical School Pediatrics department professor
  • 2023/10 - 2024/03 Nippon Medical School pediatrics department Associate Professor
Association Membership(s) (8):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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