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J-GLOBAL ID:201801000296799678   Update date: Nov. 12, 2024

Onishi Iichiroh

オオニシ イイチロウ | Onishi Iichiroh
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Assistant Professor
Research field  (1): Experimental pathology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • 2014 - 骨髄微小環境の構築、骨髄腫瘍の解析
  • 脱細胞化骨を用いた、新しい人工ヒト骨髄およびヒト骨髄異形成症候群モデルの作成
  • オートファゴソーム形成に着目した骨髄異形成症候群の予後解析と層別化
Papers (105):
  • Anri Koyanagi, Iichiroh Onishi, Karin Muraoka, Ikue Sato, Shingo Sato, Tsuyoshi Kimura, Akio Kishida, Kouhei Yamamoto, Masanobu Kitagawa, Morito Kurata. Identification of the Factor That Leads Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Lines into Decellularized Bone. bioengineering. 2022. 9. 10. 490
  • Kimura S, Onishi I, Kobayashi M. A Rare Case of Esophageal Metastasis of Invasive Mucinous Adenocarcinoma of the Lung. ACG case reports journal. 2022. 9. 8. e00857
  • Yosuke Tanaka, Hidetaka Kambayashi, Akiko Yamamoto, Iichiroh Onishi, Keisuke Sugita, Miwa Matsumura, Sachiko Ishibashi, Masumi Ikeda, Kouhei Yamamoto, Masanobu Kitagawa, et al. Efficient Identification of the MYC Regulator with the Use of the CRISPR Library and Context-Matched Database Screenings. International journal of molecular sciences. 2022. 23. 14
  • Kudo Ryo, Kano Yoshihito, Noji Rika, Kakuta Ryota, Onishi Iichiro, Kimura Kouichiro, Tanimoto Kousuke, Miya Fuyuki, Mitsumura Takahiro, Oshima Noriko, et al. Clinical utility of comprehensive genomic profiling for patients with cancer of unknown primary site. ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY. 2022. 33. S500-S500
  • Noji R, Tohyama K, Kugimoto T, Kuroshima T, Hirai H, Tomioka H, Michi Y, Tasaki A, Ohno K, Ariizumi Y, et al. Comprehensive Genomic Profiling Reveals Clinical Associations in Response to Immune Therapy in Head and Neck Cancer. Cancers. 2022. 14. 14
MISC (2):
  • 大西 威一郎, 倉田 盛人. 【新しい解析技術の展開】CRISPR/Cas9 screeningとその応用. 臨床免疫・アレルギー科. 2019. 72. 3. 287-292
  • Morito Kurata, Shinya Abe, Shiho Suzuki, Na Li, Iichiroh Onishi, Maki Hasegawa, Kouhei Yamamoto, Masanobu Kitagawa. DNA damage-induced apoptosis and genetic background of the host: Hostspecific signaling enhancers of apoptosis. Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2011. 58. 2. 85-88
Lectures and oral presentations  (63):
  • 良性葉状腫瘍内に発生した扁平上皮癌の一例
  • 脱細胞化骨へのヒト骨髄間葉系細胞の導入
  • 肺癌におけるGPX4,FSP1発現と4-HNE蓄積の臨床病理学的検討(Clinicopathological study of GPX4 and FSP1 expression and 4HNE accumulation in lung cancer)
  • Diffuse large B-cell lymphomaにおける4-HNE蓄積の臨床病理学的・分子学的意義(Clinico-pathologic and molecular significance of 4-HNE accumulation in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma)
  • CRISPR KO libraryを用いた細胞間相互作用により誘導される薬剤耐性機序の解明
Education (1):
  • 2004 - 2008 Tokyo Medical and Dental University Faculty of Medicine
Work history (6):
  • 2021/04/01 - 現在 Tokyo Medical and Dental University Medical Hospital Central Clinical Facilities Pathology Assistant Professor
  • 2020/06/01 - 現在 Tokyo Medical and Dental University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Medical and Dental Sciences Advanced Therapeutic Sciences Comprehensive Pathology Assistant Professor
  • 2020/06/01 - 2021/03/31 Tokyo Medical and Dental University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Medical and Dental Sciences Advanced Therapeutic Sciences Comprehensive Pathology Assistant Professor
  • 2018/04/01 - 2020/05/31 Tokyo Medical and Dental University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Medical and Dental Sciences Advanced Therapeutic Sciences Comprehensive Pathology Assistant Professor
  • 2016/07/01 - 2018/03/31 Tokyo Medical and Dental University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Medical and Dental Sciences Advanced Therapeutic Sciences Comprehensive Pathology Assistant Professor
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